Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Why Is Israel Important to the Modern World?

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Humanity holds an innate expectation toward the people of Israel, that the people of Israel need to bring a certain “something” to the world, even though they cannot place their finger on exactly what that is. On one hand, this

Is There a Future in Israel?

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The people of Israel’s spiritual progress will always be according to various existential hardships, and we will always experience tensions. This is how we develop and there is thus no better or more pleasant way for us to advance. How,

How Do You Think Society Should Deal With People Who Feel a Strong Sense of Superiority Over Others?

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We constantly create rules of behavior and good manners to navigate our interactions, much like porcupines adjusting their distance to avoid pricking each other. In essence, we try to “paint over” our egoism, setting limits and palliatives, trimming our needles,

What Does It Mean to Be Like God in This World?

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First, we must understand that the quality of God, the upper force, is absolute goodness, love, and bestowal. God is the source of everything, much like a parent to a child. Regardless of what the child does, a loving parent

Is It Wrong to Wish That Everyone in the World Is Happy?

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On the contrary, this simple and sincere thought has the power to change the space between people. Why? It is because when we set ourselves in a positive direction toward others, without expecting anything in return, we create a new

Should We Learn to Feel the Pain of Others?

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We should learn to feel others’ pain, as this cultivates a positive field of mutual connection around us, which is essential for our existence. Based on KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on September 23,

What Should We Think About During Our Free Time?

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We should think about the meaning of life. That is what we need to fill our time with. The search for the meaning of life is not something we stumble upon; it requires active engagement. Without it, we eventually start

Which Do You Think Is Harder to Deal With: Physical Health Problems or Mental Health Problems?

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Our body is naturally adapted to endure physical suffering. It can withstand pain, torture, even extreme conditions like solitary confinement, and still recover. But mental suffering—stress, despair, a lack of purpose—can break a person entirely. The reason is because our

Why Do We Have to Suffer in Life?

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Suffering is given to us so that we can take a good look at our lives, examine whether we ourselves are the source of our pain, and understand how to rise above it. The suffering itself is not the goal

Based On the First Law of Thermodynamics, Energy Is Never Destroyed. Wouldn’t This Mean That There Is No Death?

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There is no death, but it has nothing to do with the first law of thermodynamics. Life itself is not a matter of energy transfer. What we call life—our existence, experiences, thoughts, and feelings—does not stem from physical energy. It

A Global Connection: Connecting to Lishma at the 2025 World Kabbalah Convention

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As we round up our 2025 World Kabbalah Convention on the theme “Connecting to Lishma,” it was incredibly inspiring to see hundreds of people from all around the world make the trip to Israel to join thousands more at the convention

What Is the Secret of Immortality?

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First, immortality is not about preserving the physical body, because the physical body does not actually exist. It exists only in our imagination, just like everything we perceive in this world. That is why the world is called “Olam” in