Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Can We Consciously Apply to Our Lives the Adaptation Process We Undergo Unconsciously as Newborns, Infants and Toddlers?

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When we enter the world, both this corporeal world and the spiritual world, we undergo a period of adaptation where we accumulate initial knowledge with which we further develop.

In both cases, it is a completely natural process. If we look at children’s development from newborns to infants to toddlers, and so on, then we can see several examples of how we learn from our environmental influences. We initially just lie there, then people coo to us, and we respond. They try to stir us up somehow, for example, by smiling at us, and then we gradually respond—smiling back.

As children, we learn everything and receive programming from our adults in our respective environments, because at such stages, we are empty desires. We need to be filled with knowledge, skills and impressions in order to create various mental and emotional connections.

Similarly, with our desire for spirituality, we free up a certain area within ourselves that we wish to program and fill with spiritual impressions, not of our world. If we want spirituality, then we must behave in such a way, as newborn babies.

The wisdom of Kabbalah provides us with that nourishment to grow our desire for spirituality. It is not an intellectual study but rather inner work through which we grow up to enter the spiritual world.

We therefore need to consciously undergo the stage that we went through in this corporeal world unconsciously when we were born. Nature pushed us into this corporeal world, and now nature demands that we consciously place ourselves as newborns relative to the spiritual world, wishing to adopt its impressions and qualities.

Based on KabTV’s “I Got a Call. We Are Thinking About Our Friend!” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on March 11, 2010. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

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