Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

How Do I Establish and Run a Business Successfully in the Future?

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Our evolution is leading us to a state where we will see positive integral human connection as the guiding principle for society’s success in general, and no less so in business.

In a business, it means that all of its workers—employers and employees—work in order to bring about positive integral connection among everyone. Attitudes to one another in such a setup are similar to attitudes in a family: employers, bosses, managers all the way to the most entry-level employees are those who know how to perform their respective functions, feeling a common thread that ties them together like in a family with its parents, children, the elders, the mother with what she does, the father with what he does, and the same with our every profession and role in society. We have to understand that we need to reach an integral society through our construction of positive connections.

If we develop such relations, then the positive forces dwelling in nature will influence us through our mutual bestowal to one another. Therefore, through our work on establishing positive human connections in every sphere of human activity, no less so in business, we will bring the world to balance. Doing so will attract nature’s positive forces, because we will then work in a wholly integral system, one that is in balance with nature’s integral laws.

Based on the video “Transforming Workplaces Through Family-Like Connections” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

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