Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Is the Life We’re Living a Dream?

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Yes, we are living in a dream. We do not understand or feel this world correctly, which is why we can call it a dream, but we can also get rid of this dream and wake up. The wisdom of Kabbalah was given to us for this purpose.

Waking up from this dream does not necessarily mean that reality would change, but if we wake up, then we change. That is, our outlook, perception and sensation of reality changes, and it does so for the better.

Say that we are living through a war now and we wake up from this dream. What happens then? On one hand, we see a war with killings, deaths and much suffering. On the other hand, however, we also see a certain necessary action of armies and nations entering into certain relationships, which then ultimately leads to the best possible future outcome. Waking up from this dream we now know as life thus means that no matter what happens in life, we see how everything leads to the best possible outcome.

What is “the best possible outcome”? It means that everything leads to the ultimate goal for which creation was created: the total harmonious, peaceful, eternal and perfect connection of all parts of nature—including humans—reaching balance with the interconnected and interdependent laws of nature.

Waking up from the dream we now know as our lives means that we exit the boundaries of our world, and view it from the outside. We then perceive how a single force of love and bestowal controls everything in reality, including each and every person. This force gradually guides us to a state of total harmony, peace and happiness in complete connection with each other and nature.

At a certain stage in our evolution, we must all wake up in order to achieve the perception of the true state we live in, and so that our dreamlike state would vanish. Since we would rise above our world with its divisive and limited consciousness, we would then enter into a unified consciousness. We would then not fight each other or exchange negative words and deeds. We would enter into a common higher level of understanding with each other, and would know and see how to live together in an ever-increasing harmony.

Based on KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Semion Vinokur on May 6, 2024. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

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