Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Love Is the Goal of Human Development

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Our entire life, history and evolution is to transition from unfounded hatred, which is our inborn egoistic nature, i.e., a quality of wishing to enjoy ourselves at the expense of others, and to achieve the love of others.

In order to achieve love, we first need to be in an opposite state to it, as there is no love without hatred just as there is no light without darkness.

Tu B’Av need not be a day where we simply close ourselves in with our families and give each other chocolates. It should rather be a day where we bring people around the world closer together. Then, in the positive connections we establish, we attract the inclusive force of love that dwells in nature, which illuminates our connections. By aiming to love others as ourselves, we undergo stages through which we eventually reach a state of true love and happiness.

I therefore wish everyone a happy Tu B’Av, a day of love that never ends.

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