Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What Is All This Nonsense I Hear from Time to Time about “Jewish Self-Hatred”? Who Makes This Stuff Up?

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Much has been written about antisemitism as the eternal hatred against Jews; far less attention has been devoted to the challenging self-examination of when the antisemites are Jews themselves and why this paradox occurs. Jewish self-hatred is the unique phenomenon

Who Are Self-Hating Jews and Who Gives Them the Label?

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There is no example in all of humanity of a people or a nation that so desperately pursues to undermine and inflict pain on themselves as the Jewish people. As if antisemitism had not given rise to enough enemies, history

Does Jewish Self-Hatred Worry You?

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The matter of Jewish self-hatred deeply worries me. It is the reason why the nations of the world hate us: because we hate ourselves. As a Jew, I cannot stand by and passively witness how disunity has infected every corner

What is unique about World Kabbalah Conventions?

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World Kabbalah Conventions are unique in that people from many different backgrounds, ages, nationalities and cultures come together based on a common will to connect above the differences. It is very similar to how people will want to connect in

Isn’t Everything Happening by Chance?

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One of my students asked me this question in reference to the following quote: “Everything is ruled by chance. If only we knew who rules chance.” – Jerzy Stanislav Lec Everything is not happening by chance though. It is incorrect

What Do You See as the Future for Society?

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Society’s future is in reaching a state where everyone understands that they live in an interdependent system, with mutual responsibility among everyone, and no one escapes their responsibilities toward society, but on the contrary, everyone strives to contribute what they

What Are the Best Things to Pray For in One’s Life?

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Unity among everyone, that every person and nation comes to understand that a bright future can only be in everyone’s unity. This is how we will attain everything we wish for, except for our will to rule over others. We

What Is the Significance of World Kabbalah Conventions Today?

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We have reached a state in humanity where we feel as if we are at a dead end. Nature deliberately drives humanity into a corner so that we can find a way out, and people around the world are thinking

Is It Possible to Fulfill the Commandment “Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” Without Peace in Israel?

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In today’s Daily Kabbalah Lesson, we read the 60th letter of Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), where he responded to a question from someone who had read his essay Matan Torah [“The Giving of the Torah”] following its publication. Matan Torah elaborates on the

What Does It Mean to Observe a Mitzvah?

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Observing a Mitzvah (commandment) means wanting, through our efforts, to connect the states we undergo with their higher source. In doing so, we resolve the states that we pass through, as it is that higher source—the force of love and bestowal called

Where Do We Come From?

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“We have to know that all of the souls extend from the soul of Adam HaRishon, for after he sinned in the sin of the Tree of Knowledge, his soul divided into 600,000 souls. This means that the one light

What Is the Ratio of Egoists to Altruists in the World?

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Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) writes that 90 percent of people are egoists and 10 percent are altruists. The root of this division stems from qualities in nature that are described in the wisdom of Kabbalah. In Kabbalistic terms, the light, which