Today, we have entered a new era of very intensive human development. Contrary to what we might think, it is not defined by technological or social development, but rather spiritual. We are on the brink of needing to understand that…
On nature’s behalf, humanity is a single integral system. Our ego, which makes us each wish for self-benefit at the expense of others, divides us into different parts and groups. However, our evolution is driving us to a point where…
Everybody has an egoistic desire that makes us each wish to receive for self-benefit alone. We are connected to everyone with this desire, whether or not we see, feel or identify that it is the case. We are interconnected similarly…
The root of our soul is our place in the spiritual system of connection with everyone. That is, we are all connected spiritually “as one man with one heart” and the root of our soul is our connection with all…
An egoistic reward is in the person, whereas an altruistic reward is in the society. Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson on July 15, 2024. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman. Posted on Facebook, LinkedIn Newsletter, Medium, Twitter…
According to Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), the solution to inequality is reaching a state where we each give as much as we can and receive as much as we need. How can this state come about? In Baal HaSulam’s…
“Now, too, we are giving and are not receiving, both because we are not taking the surplus we produce to the grave, and 2) because if a day’s exertion awards half a day’s pleasure, it is bestowal. And since by…
In Kabbalah, a correction is a change of the intention—from an intention to receive to an intention to give—upon the desire to enjoy, which is our nature. We undergo such a correction, the setting up of the intention to give or…
One of my students recently presented me a quote from a Sufi, Hazrat Inayat Khan, which spoke about the need to empty our heart in order to make a vessel suitable for spiritual abundance to enter: “The one who learns…
Our evolution is leading us to a state where we will see positive integral human connection as the guiding principle for society’s success in general, and no less so in business. In a business, it means that all of its…
In the future, the following occupations will be in high demand: Food and Clothing: These occupations will focus on meeting our basic needs without being praised or condemned. Everyone needs food to eat and clothes to wear. These basic necessities,…
One of my students recently prepared a list of rules that a pack of wolves follows in order to show how a group of animals instinctively follows rules that us humans could learn from. He read the rules to me…