I received the following message from a lady who wished to remain anonymous. This is what she wrote: “My neighbor is studying Kabbalah with you. She sent me a quote yesterday. She knows my husband and I are having difficulties,…
When I was next to my teacher, the great Kabbalist Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (the RABASH), I felt that he could read my mind. I have been asked whether it was frightening or pressuring, and it was nothing of the…
“In every person, even in the secular, there is an unknown spark that demands unification with God. When it sometimes awakens, it awakens a passion to know God, or deny God, which is the same.” – Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal…
Spiritual satisfaction is the satisfaction, fulfillment or pleasure of connection with the whole universe. We are made in such a way that we feel the perfection of nature’s wholeness in this state, and it is the loftiest fulfillment we can…
First, as a society, we can learn from the relatively harmonious functioning of cells and organs in a human body. The various body parts, which hold varying levels of importance, cooperate in mutual complementarity for the whole body’s benefit. Cooperation…
Nature made everyone unequal. No one is equal to another, so at every moment, as external circumstances change, each person sees opportunities to rise or exploit the situation according to their egoistic desires, which prioritize self-benefit over everything else. The…
Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag, nicknamed “Baal HaSulam” (the “Master of the Ladder”) for his monumental multi-volume “Sulam” (“Ladder”) commentary on The Book of Zohar, is widely renowned as the greatest Kabbalist of the 20th century. Other than The Zohar commentary, he invested immensely in…
Kabbalah is updated with each generation as new souls descend and need a suitable exposition. While Kabbalah itself does not change, since we change, we require an updated methodological guide to the universe. Every Kabbalist in his generation felt responsible…
In order to attain a higher quality of love than what we feel in our day-to-day lives, we need to play a game. Why a game? It is because in a game, we do not play who we are now,…
Imagine yourself as a child. Think about how good and pleasant it is to have a great and wise big brother or sister who is devoted to you, standing behind you, wanting to help. That is how we need to…
Cooperative football. It involves having two teams on a football field, as there usually is in football, but no goals or goalkeepers. Five or six judges look out solely for aspects of cooperation, integrality, positive connection and mutuality. They seek…
The most important goal of education is to raise people to positively connect and complement each other, finding genuine happiness through positive relations. Toward such a goal, we should eliminate scores and ranks because they have a destructive effect. They…