Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

The Prison of Perception: Understanding Our True Reality

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Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) told a parable about a man who committed a serious crime against the king and was sentenced to twenty years of hard labor in a desolate prison outside the country. Upon arrival, he discovered others

Is There a Reason to Be Happy?

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A reason to be happy is that we are coming closer to the point where we can rise above our inborn egoistic desire, which makes us wish to enjoy for self-benefit alone, and which is the cause of all the

What Is a Soul Exactly?

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In the wisdom of Kabbalah, a soul is called “a part of God above.” In our world, where we perceive reality through our five corporeal senses, we currently have no soul. The soul is a force that Kabbalists call “light,”

Who Is Kabbalah For?

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The wisdom of Kabbalah is for anyone who asks about the meaning and purpose of their lives. Kabbalists pointed to the end of the 20th century as the period when humanity en masse would become ready for the wisdom of Kabbalah, because

What Is Kabbalah Based On?

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Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), in his article, “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” defines Kabbalah as “a wisdom [that is] no more and no less than a sequence of roots, which hang down by way of cause and

How Can We Use Kabbalah?

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The “Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot” by Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) writes how the wisdom of Kabbalah can either be a potion of life or a potion of death. It can be explained similarly to the

Does Kabbalah Deal With Good Luck Charms and Blessings?

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Kabbalah is a science with clear and concise laws that requires study. It has no connection with charms, blessings and various other amulets and rituals that are done in its name, all of which emerged during the period of Kabbalah’s

Beyond the Tragedy: Finding Hope in a Unified Future on Holocaust Remembrance Day

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While we solemnly reflect on the atrocities of the past this Holocaust Remembrance Day, we would be wise to also look into the deeper spiritual significance of the Jewish people in today’s world in order to prevent any future such

Can I Stay Secular and Still Practice Kabbalah?

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If you have an interest in the wisdom of Kabbalah and existential inquiries, then it is more important to start delving into Kabbalistic material and begin thinking about what your future depends on, instead of dressing or behaving a certain

What Is the Secret of the Book of Zohar?

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The secret of The Book of Zohar is that if you relate correctly to the book, you attract the reforming light from the spiritual heights that it describes. The reforming light is a force dwelling in nature that we attract when we

An Invitation to the 2024 EU Annual KabU Retreat

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Hello to all of you who find interest in the wisdom of Kabbalah and wish to know what this wisdom is really about, and what it guides a person to achieve. I highly recommend not to miss the upcoming opportunity

30 Years Later: Reflecting on the Impact of “Attaining the Worlds Beyond”

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To this day, I continue receiving favorable comments about my book, Attaining the Worlds Beyond, which I wrote around 30 years ago. I am happy to know that, thanks to this work, many people have come to the study of Kabbalah and thought