Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Did God Give the Torah to Moses in Public? If So, Is There Solid Proof?

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It is only an allegorical statement. Do we really think that God or the Creator descended from heaven holding the Torah in His hands? The Creator is a force of nature that connects harmoniously between all elements of reality. Some

What Do You Think the US Should Do Now in Response to COVID-19?

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Not only the US, but all countries would be wise to comprehend that humanity is headed toward more and more integration, and that they should follow suit. In order to progress toward increasing global connection harmoniously, we require regular learning

Anti-Semitism: The Virus Break Is Over

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Before COVID-19 took over the world by storm, the newspapers were very often focused on the spreading global anti-Semitism. The coronavirus put people on survival mode, and when you’re busy saving your life and the lives of your loved ones,

How is the new COVID-19 disease going to affect the world?

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Before we discuss how the COVID-19 disease is going to affect the world, it helps to be aware of the deeper causes behind its appearance, and then to understand how we can best use this period of social distancing we

Who Is Really Behind COVID-19?

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Apprehension and uncertainty over the coronavirus have triggered a situation as contagious and widespread as the pandemic: conspiracy theories. Since the surge of the global disease that has virtually paralyzed the planet, the blame game started between countries while people speculate about

How did the COVID-19 virus appear?

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There is a deeper reason for the appearance of the COVID-19 virus than the theories currently on offer. Whether it emerged from bats, pangolins, or whether it was lab-produced, essentially any of these or other stated reasons for the revelations

For the Love of Nature

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At first, the virus pushed us away from one another so we wouldn’t harm each other anymore. Now comes stage two where we should begin to feel that COVID-19 did not happen by chance and will go away as soon

How Has the Coronavirus Affected You?

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Personally, it has affected me similarly to how it has affected many people around the world: by placing me into social distancing conditions. I follow all the instructions of the Ministry of Health, and encourage everyone to do the same.

A New World Emerging

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We are about to live in a new world, a very different world from the one we’ve known. We will change many of our engagements. We will come to like staying more at home and do our business over the

All of Us or None of Us At All

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COVID-19 is not just another blow. It is the first time in history that a crisis simultaneously strikes the whole world: every country, continent, and island. The virus has tied all of us together with an invisible thread, all the

How serious is the 2019-20 Coronavirus?

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The coronavirus is a major historical event that is changing the face of human society around the world. One minuscule particle surfaced that has already infected over a million people, caused dozens of thousands of deaths, and moreover, put spokes

Ma Nishtana? A Passover Unlike Any Other

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The Passover holiday this year is expected to be the most unique in modern history. For the first time, the Jewish people, regardless of their location, will celebrate not only around the table but inside the Web. It is a special occurrence