Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Istanbul Airport Attack: A Reflection Of Our Thirst For Blood

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As our world incessantly moves toward the extremes, fascism, racism, fundamentalism, Nazism, and anti-Semitism are constantly on the rise. Everyone is taking sides, and people are growing increasingly aggressive. As our egos are taking over, they are causing such vehement

Brexit — Britain Did Itself and the World a Favor

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Only when they have warmed up to the idea of Europe as a single country, comprising many complementing elements, will a European union succeed. Brexit is just the beginning. When nations that have been at odds with one another for

We Cannot Destroy ISIS, So We Should Build Ourselves

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On June 21, 2015, the former head of counter-terrorism at MI6 and the former coordinator of the UN’s al-Qaeda and Taliban Monitoring Team, Mr. Richard Barrett, published an insightful article in The Independent, “We cannot destroy Isis, so we will have to learn

Understanding the Piece Process

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When we unite and unleash that balancing power Churchill instinctively detected, the question of our right to exist in Israel will be obsolete. The more chaotic the world becomes, the more it busies itself with ingenuities that aim to “resolve”

Hitler’s Mein Kampf (My Struggle) May Soon Become Our Struggle

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Through the quality of our connections we will cause the rise of Hitlerism or its final disappearance. The mass distribution of Adolf Hitler’s infamous, anti-Semitic rant known as Mein Kampf (My Struggle) has recently been given a big boost by the initiative

We Were Given the Torah, But Have We Received It?

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As long as we were able to maintain even a sliver of brotherhood, we were able to maintain our nationhood. And once we succumbed to Hellenism, we have become Hellenists. This Saturday night will be the night of Shavuot, the

Comment: Why Bernie Sanders Hates Israel

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Throughout history, the Jewish people have seen fellow Jews turn against their own people. We did not need Bernie Sanders’ pick of BDS backer and Israel basher, Cornel West, to partake in writing the Democratic platform, to know how he

The Impact of the Jewish People on Humanity, as Traced by Scholars Throughout Time

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When Abraham first discovered the method of connection, he told about it to whomever would listen, and those who joined him became the first truly connected people. Those people then went to Egypt, and finally emerged from it in much

Wisdom From Abraham’s Tent That We Can Apply in the 21st Century

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Thousands of years ago, between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris, in a vast and fertile stretch of land called “Mesopotamia,” there lived a flourishing society in a city-state called “Babel.” The city was bustling with life and action. It was

The Futility of Politics (and How We Can Really Make Things Better)

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I have no illusions about the power of any politician to “make America great again.” Last week’s column, “Fascism is looming over the US — and it’s bad news for the Jews,” seems to have touched a raw nerve. The nearly 1,000

Commemorating Professor Wistrich: A Jewish Scholar Concerned With the Bigger Picture

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In October 2014, I had the privilege of meeting with Hebrew University Professor Robert S. Wistrich, head of the Sassoon International Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism, for a televised discussion on the roots of anti-Semitism. Prof. Wistrich, one of

Fascism is Looming Over the US — And It’s Bad News for the Jews

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As I fear for unity within Israel, I fear for the unity of American Jewry, and its ties with Israel. For several years now, America has been on a path toward autocracy. If not stopped soon, it will end in