Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Michael Laitman: Bernie Sanders And The 10, 000 “Innocent” Palestinians

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Democratic presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, claimed in an interview to the Daily News that in the latest conflict with the Palestinians in Gaza (Protective Edge), in the summer of 2014, Israel killed “over 10, 000 innocent people.” The fact is that even

Michael Laitman: Why Are There Jewish Anti-Zionists?

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There are Jews who are passionately anti-Zionists. There are dozens of Islamic states, but you would be hard stretched to find Muslims who resist the very notion of an Islamic state. Even if you did, they would not have the

Being a Light Unto the Nations Is How to Fight Antisemitism at Oberlin and Elsewhere

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When someone says, “Muslims are…” or “Blacks are…,” that person is immediately categorized as an Islamophobe or a racist. But when someone says, “Jews are…” or “Israelis are…,” some people justify such statements in the name of free speech. This double

The Wailing Wall Wails (Over Our Separation)

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The latest round in the battle for permission to pray at the kotel (Wailing Wall) reflects the sad state of our people. Theoretically, “Reform rabbis have made small gains in Israel, and in January the movement was jubilant over …

Michael Laitman: Joy Karega And The Fallacy Of Freedom Of Speech

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When someone says, “Muslims are…” or “Blacks are…, ” that person is immediately categorized as an Islamophobe or a racist. But when someone says, “Jews are…” or “Israelis are…, ” even if the statement is not only malicious, but downright

Why Israel Can Never Truly Separate From the Palestinians

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Two weeks ago, the Israeli Labor Party unanimously approved opposition leader Isaac Herzog’s plan for separating from the Palestinians. Herzog believes this is the best way to advance a two-state solution. Elaborating on the plan, Mr. Hertzog said that “the victory of Zionism will

Michael Laitman: Head Of Conference Of Presidents Hit The Nail On The Head, But It’s Yet To Sink In

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This Wednesday, Malcolm Hoenlein, chairman of the Conference of Presidents in America, said in an interview that anti-Semitism is definitely on the rise in the U.S. What’s more, a few seconds prior to mentioning rising anti-Semitism, host, Attila Somfalvi, asked him, “If you

Michael Laitman: The (Real) Goal Behind The World Economic Forum In Davos

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Inside the Microsoft Vision Center café at Davos, the rich, powerful and famous leisurely engage in conversations over coffee, wine, and an occasional pastry. Nothing glitzy, just the usual small talk of people passing time. On one of the walls

Jewish Unity Could Truly Help the World on Holocaust Remembrance Day

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UNESCO’s page announcing this year’s International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, which occurs on January 27, states that it was established … to “urge Member States to develop educational programs to instill the memory of the tragedy in

Michael Laitman: Why Jews Have No Future In Europe

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As a Kabbalist, specializing in the intricacies of human nature, I know that as the situation in Europe worsens, and it will, the pressure on the Jews will grow. The hatred toward them will soar and they will undoubtedly be

Michael Laitman: Jews Have No Future In France

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Following the jihadist attack on a kippa [Jewish skull-cap] wearing Jewish teacher in Marseille, the president of the city’s Jewish community, Zvi Ammar, advised French Jews to leave their kippahs at home. In my view, it is time for the Israeli Foreign Office to

Why the World Blames Israel for ISIS and All Other Problems

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ISIS chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi recently turned his threats towards Israel. In the war against ISIS, while other countries are perceived as victims of radical Islam, Israel is perceived as its perpetrator. So when ISIS sets its eyes on Israel, the