Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What (Only) the Jews Can Do to Prevent the Next Holocaust

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There are many ways to look at Jewish history, depending on the context and the message that the examination wishes to point out. But if you look at the history of Jew-hatred from the perspective of the haters rather than

Taking The Holocaust Discussion To The Next Level

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The majority of my family was wiped out by the Holocaust. Growing up as a young child in the wake of such a catastrophe impacted my life in a very profound way. After years of searching for answers, I realized

Michael Laitman: It’s Not What The Joe Bidens Say, It’s What Jews Do That Counts

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In the last few weeks there has been an ongoing debate around whether or not US Vice President Joe Biden actually told the late prime minister of Israel, Golda Meir, that the only safe place for Jews is Israel. The

If Possible, No Jews, Thank You!

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  The ad, as it appears in The Algemeiner   If the atrocities that took place less than a month ago in France were not enough to awaken those among us who are still blissfully oblivious to anti-Semitism, there comes this

Israel: No Independence Without Interdependence

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I think that it is more than symbolic that Israel’s Independence Day comes just a week after the Holocaust Memorial Day. To me, it is clear that were it not for the Holocaust, the state of Israel would not have

Michael Laitman: Holocaust Remembrance Day -Remember The Dead, Preserve The Living

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Every year right before Holocaust Remembrance Day, I reflect upon what might have been, and what the future holds, especially these days, as pre World War II anti-Semitic displays are reemerging, and the political climate is growing stormier concerning the

Holocaust Remembrance Day—Remember the Dead, Preserve the Living

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Every year right before Holocaust Remembrance Day, I reflect upon what might have been, and what the future holds, especially these days, as pre World War II anti-Semitic displays are reemerging, and the political climate is growing stormier concerning the

A Letter To Michael Douglas Following His Son’s Anti-Semitic Experience

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Dear Michael: My name is Michael Laitman, and I am a Jew living in Israel. Your Story about the experience your son had had in Southern Europe touched me deeply. I admire your courage to expose what many fear to

A Letter to Michael Douglas Following His Son’s Anti-Semitic Experience

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Dear Michael: My name is Michael Laitman, and I am a Jew living in Israel. Your Story about the experience your son had had in Southern Europe touched me deeply. I admire your courage to expose what many fear to

Moses — the Perfect, Unwilling, Unlikely Leader

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Here’s a bit of Jewish wisdom (Masechet Iruvin, 13b): “All who woos greatness, greatness escapes him. And all who escapes greatness, greatness woos him.” Such was Moses, the ideal role model for a leader. In these days of Passover, remembering

The Difference Betw. Sarah Silverman In 2011 And Michael Douglas In 2015

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Jews and non-Jews alike know we have been given the task to be a light for the nations. Looking at the title, you probably ask, “What’s the difference? You probably mean, ‘What’s the connection between Sarah Silverman in 2011, and

The Likud, the Zionist Union, and the (Israeli) President

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You cannot overstate the importance of the elections just held in Israel. The astounding 72.3 percent voter turnout demonstrates that people felt that this time was different. They felt that they were choosing between two ways, and each side truly