Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

How Can I Overcome Stress Quickly?

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The best way to overcome stress is to deal with it in a group setting. When we are parts of a supportive and encouraging group that immediately starts discussing the cause of the stress and how to work with it,

Who Led the Exodus from Egypt?

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The exodus from Egypt is the exit from our egoistic approach to each other to new relations of love and positive connection. Being in Egypt and under Pharaoh’s rule means that we are under our ego’s control, which pits us

What Does It Mean to Truly Be Free?

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Being free means being free from our egoistic desires, which make us wish to benefit ourselves at the expense of others and nature. In other words, freedom means becoming free from our egoistic nature that rules over us, so that

What Are the Modern-Day Equivalents of Egypt, Pharaoh and Moses Described in the Passover Story?

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There is an increasing understanding that we can no longer live our lives the way that we do, i.e., that our consumerist culture of overproducing and over-consuming is destroying our planet, robbing it of its resources, and which ultimately leads

What Does the Prophet Elijah Do?

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Elijah announces that the Messiah is coming. What is the Messiah? The Messiah is a force that pulls us our of our egoistic desires. In Hebrew, the word for “Messiah” (“Moshiach”) comes from the same linguistic root as the word

What Do You Think About the Evolution of Humans and How Far Can Humanity Go?

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The evolutionary process we undergo is in order to adapt us to the upper world, i.e., to lead us to a state of harmonious connection “as one man with one heart,” one humanity functioning as a single system. We exist

When Does Having an Ego Become a Problem?

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The ego is the desire to enjoy at the expense of others, and the problem with it is precisely in that it makes us think and act at the expense of others. It blocks us from seeing how we are

What Is Tisha B’Av?

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𝘛𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘢 𝘉’𝘈𝘷 is a very important and prominent state in the development of creation. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, Tisha B’Av commemorates the ruin of the Holy Temple, i.e. the shattering of the vessels, the state when we lost

Who is God?

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God is the general integral force of nature that operates upon our planet and our universe, which is behind the existence of everything and everyone. God wants to teach humanity as His children, for us all to recognize His greatness,

What Does “Next Year in Jerusalem” Really Mean?

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“Next year in Jerusalem” is an optimistic part at the end of the Passover Haggadah, and it means that we will reach a desire that includes all of humanity’s desires within itself. In other words, wherever we go, we will

Dale Carnegie’s Quest for Happiness

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Dale Carnegie was an American psychologist, speaker, and author. He made a significant impact on countless lives through his inspirational teachings and best-selling books. A staple in the realm of self-help literature, Carnegie’s most well-known book, How to Win Friends and

How Would One Go About Studying the Works of Isaac Luria ( The Ari)?

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Like Moses brought us the Torah, the Ari brought us the wisdom of Kabbalah. The Torah and Kabbalah both discuss the revelation of the Creator—the quality of love and bestowal—to the created beings. At Moses’ time, the revelation was through