Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What Are Some Lesser Known Facts About Alfred Nobel?

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After Alfred Nobel’s passing in San Remo on December 10, 1896, the unexpected establishment of a special peace prize under his name sparked immense interest. Alfred Nobel rewrote his will to donate more than 90 percent of his life earnings

What Comes before Thought?

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The foundation for everything, the only matter that was created, is desire. Desire is thus primary, and thought is an upshot of the desire. However, in order to obtain what we desire, the mind develops alongside the desire, in correspondence

What Is the Basis of Antisemitism?

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The basis of antisemitism is the Jewish people having yet to realize their true identity and role in humanity: that by uniting above their differences, they become a conduit for unity to spread throughout the world. The Jewish people received

Is There Anything Wrong with Living for Your Own Pleasure Too Much?

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We live within laws of nature, which develop us according to a certain plan in order to reach a destination where we will harmoniously connect with each other and discover the positive force of love, giving and connection that dwells

Is It Wrong to Want to Be Rich?

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A lot of people think about money in a derogatory way, for instance, as the root of all evil. Others think of money simply as a means: that we work, earn and can then pay for what we need and

Does Nature Respond to Human Actions?

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Think of billions of cars driving with the Mobileye device, which alerts us if we come too close to another object. The system of nature we are in functions similarly: it alerts us when we do certain actions and gives

Why Does It Feel So Good to Buy Things?

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It feels good to buy things because it fills our ego. We are made of egoistic desires to enjoy through acquiring, buying and receiving, and when we bring desirable things closer to ourselves in such ways, our egos enjoy for

Where Has the World Come To?

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There is a higher force in nature that controls the reality we live in, and no matter what efforts we make, we can do nothing outside of this force’s plan and control. We should thus try to understand the destination

What Should We Pray For?

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We just held our World Kabbalah Convention where thousands of students and friends gathered worldwide in person in several locations—from Australia to Ukraine, Georgia to Germany, and Argentina to Israel, among many others—and also virtually, to study, connect and delve

What Is the Main Existential Threat to Israel?

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The people of Israel can exist if they unite or at least have an inclination to unite, i.e., that they have a certain plan of how to realize their unity in the future. If there is no motion at all

What’s the Best Feeling in the World?

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There is no better feeling than the discovery of all people in the world as parts of our soul, with the positive force of nature dwelling between us. When we reach such a sensation, we feel in our mutual connection

What is the meaning of the Tefilat HaDerech (Traveler’s Prayer)?

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The meaning of the 𝑇𝑒𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑡 𝐻𝑎𝐷𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑐ℎ (Traveler’s Prayer or Wayfarer’s Prayer) is that we leave the place where we think we live, to another place and path. We do not know how long we will be on the road and