A major problem with today’s world is that everyone blames everyone else. If we, however, view ourselves as living in a completely interconnected and interdependent system, then everyone in that system is to blame: no one is right or wrong.…
In light of the growing social and political tensions in Israel, Gadi Taub , a Senior Lecturer in the School of Public Policy and the Department of Communications at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, as well as a political commentator…
About a week ago, it became known that the “Biden administration’s outgoing ambassador to Israel personally signed off on a controversial $1 million grant to a program critics said was meant to delegitimize Israel, according to internal State Department communications.”…
A child’s upbringing should take place under the influence of the surrounding society. Parents are a very important aspect of our upbringing, but in principle, in any society children are educated not by their parents, but by their surrounding societies…
The word “fascio” means linking a bundle together. Fascism is thus a certain unity of people, but a unity with no correction of our egoistic desires. Our every desire is egoistic, i.e., a desire to serve ourselves at the expense…
Other than being well-educated and having experience, a school principal is a person who needs to understand children’s and teenager’s characters. They need to be special people in that they have patience, an understanding of human nature, and knowledge of…
A research team from Tel Aviv University recently discovered that plants make sounds. They stated that the plants’ sounds are like clicks with the same intensity as human speech at frequencies above the range of human hearing. Various animals like…
My teacher, Kabbalist Baruch Ashlag (Rabash), used to say about love that it is like an animal that you have to feed all the time, and then it will grow. Love grows out of mutual concessions. #quotes #love Based on…
The still, vegetative and animate levels of nature are the only ones in a state of balance, because they have no free choice. They make no decisions as to whether they should behave one way or another, but they behave…
Kiss them. It comes from the principle, “love will cover all crimes.” Similar to Eastern martial arts, we need to use our opponent’s strength. Therefore, when your spouse bursts into complaints or throws accusations at you, kiss them. By so…
War exists because the universe is made up of two opposing forces: reception and bestowal. When these forces do not enter into a balance, then they short circuit and try to destroy each other. That mutual effort of each side…
As the tension between Israel and Iran intensifies, and while Iran has just unveiled its first hypersonic missile, rumors about advancement in the Iranian nuclear program are growing even more distressing. While Israel threatens Iran not to try to attack…