Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Do You Feel That Humanity Is Benefiting More or Hurting More Because of Technological Advancements?

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We strive for better, more comfortable lives, which is natural. But do we attach the right intention to it? Do we correct the “human being” in us while doing so, i.e., elevating us above our animal level to the level

Could Being in Debt be Considered a Modern-Day Slavery?

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Modern-day systems deliberately hold us in debt as a form of modern slavery. This system binds people, confuses them, and enslaves them. We think we are free, but if we cannot provide for our families today, we are bound by

Is There a Relationship Between Money and Spirituality?

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Money (“Kesef” in Hebrew) represents a covering (Kisui) over egoism, the desire to enjoy for self-benefit alone. It lets us either fulfill our desires to enjoy inwardly for ourselves alone or use them to benefit others. With money, we can

What Is the Spiritual Value of Money?

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Money is an ancient invention. Historical records show coins in circulation as early as 650 BCE. Initially, the value of money was determined by the weight and material of the coins themselves. Over time, metal coins gave way to paper

Does Money Help in Getting Powerful Connections?

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The impact of money depends entirely on how it is used. If I aim to fulfill my egoistic desires, i.e., desires for self-benefit at the expense of others, money becomes a necessity. However, if I seek to channel my egoism

How Has Money Affected the Evolution of Humans?

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Money represents the ability to satisfy our desires. Throughout history, humanity has used various substances as currency, including golden sand, coins, and other materials, to fulfill this purpose. In recent times, however, humanity has begun to critically examine its ability

What Is the Meaning of Baal HaSulam’s Nigun “Asader LeSeudata”?

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Asader LeSeudata is a Nigun based on a poem written by the ARI (Kabbalist Isaac Luria) that is traditionally sung during the Shabbat morning songs. I will prepare the feast, at the dawn of the Sabbath. And I shall now invite the Ancient

What Is True Courage? Define How True Courage Works

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True courage lies in the ability to go against the natural flow of egoism, our desires to enjoy for self-benefit alone. Achieving lasting success requires breaking free from self-centered tendencies, which is impossible alone. As human beings, we are inherently

Why Is Your Goal Not That Simple?

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There is an idea that our goals should be simple, clear, and written-down. However, if we are truly developing to life’s ultimate goal of achieving balance with nature’s laws of love, bestowal, and positive connection—which the wisdom of Kabbalah also

How Do You Deal With Your Fear and Doubt?

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Doubts and fears are positive qualities in our nature that drive us to make progress in life. Without doubts and fears, we would stay still. We would simply try to minimize any bad feeling that arises and thus also experience

Why Do We Have to Change Our Habits?

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There is a saying, “Change your habits, and your life will change.” It is true that habits govern much of our lives, but the key question is why should we change them and what should we change them to? We

How Can We Change Our Thoughts to Create Different Results in Life?

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First, we need to understand that our thoughts shape our life and what this means. Our attitude toward who and what we are, to what surrounds us, and to our purpose, are all considered “our thoughts.” We would thus be