Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

U.S. Election Day: A Choice with Global Consequences

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In relation to the U.S. elections, one of my students asked me about the kind of result it would affect on the future of Israel and the world. Its outcome can indeed influence our situation. There is a major difference

Why Is it Important to Develop Friendly Relationships With Each Other and Nature?

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We need to create friendly relations among each other and with the nature surrounding us, i.e., on the vegetative and animate levels. It is because we all belong to the same planet and we thus need to examine how we

Why Is Only Positive Thinking Not Enough?

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There is a positive thinking approach to life that encourages people to always view the positive side of life and turn a blind eye to the negative. Such an approach might help people to a certain extent, but we should

Will Global Interdependence Lead to More or Less Conflict in the Future?

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Increasing global interdependence is a key outcome of our evolution into an integral system, which is round like a ball. Our growing global interdependence will increasingly show us that if we fail to upgrade our relationships from egoistic to altruistic,

What Do You Need to Survive This Ever-Changing World?

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Love of others. We need nothing but a concern about others. If we head out into our days with a concern about everyone else instead of ourselves, then we have no fears and no limitations. Developing loving and caring attitudes

What Is the Meaning of Strong Can Survive?

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The question is, how do we define “strong” in the context of survival? Relevant to our current world’s transformation, strong is one who can overcome their ego—the desire for self-benefit at others’ expense. Why is overcoming the ego the main

How Can I Build a Stronger Emotional Connection With My Partner?

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Love means that I fulfill the desire of the other before my own. It is as simple as that. What desire? It doesn’t matter; I fulfill it. I need to know what my partner wants to feel, what they desire,

What Does it Mean to Believe in God?

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Believing in God or the Creator means following the law of “love your neighbor as yourself,” in order to resemble God’s quality, that of pure love and bestowal. Many people think that believing in God means that they believe that

How Do You Know if You Are Getting Closer to God or Not?

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How do we examine ourselves to check whether or not we are coming closer to God? Also, what do we examine ourselves in relation to? In our world, we were given the ability to feel our egoistic attitude to others,

What Is the Definition of “Getting Closer to God”?

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Loving our neighbor and loving God are one and the same. God is the general force of nature, a single force of love and bestowal. Noting the equivalent value of God and nature, Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) describes that in Gematria,

What Is God? Who Is God?

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God is the nature we exist in, a force of love and bestowal. Kabbalists write about it, “There is none else besides Him,” due to it being the single force within which we exist, and this force wants us to

What Is the Best Way to Transcend Space and Time?

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First, we should understand that our corporeal life exists within the limits of time, space, and motion. If we rise above these parameters, which is possible, we then experience complete freedom. How, then, can we transcend these parameters? Newton’s physics