Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What Will We Want in the Future?

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We are developing to a state where we will want to fill our lives with the highest and most sublime meaning that we could possibly find. Having such meaning fill our lives means feeling whole with what we have, with

How Do Work Relationships Impact Your Life?

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In today’s fast-paced, competitive world, the idea of developing balanced relationships—especially in the workplace—might seem idealistic. However, such relationships are essential for creating a harmonious and fulfilling life. Imagine a work environment where the focus shifts from outshining others to

What Should We Hold onto and Let Go of in Our Shift to an Interdependent World?

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We should hold onto actions that benefit everyone, and let go of our past egoistic relationships, where we each seek to benefit ourselves at others’ expense. Doing so requires connection-enriching learning and mutual support. That is, we should try relating

How Is Ego a Global Threat?

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On one hand, we live in a period where we need to undergo a fateful transformation from our inborn egoistic attitudes to upgraded, altruistic ones. On the other hand, we lack the qualities to implement such a change. In order

How Is Social Closeness Tied to Sparing Ourselves from Disease?

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They are interdependent. How? It is because we are in a system of laws and forces that guide our relations. They are forces of closeness and separation on all levels of our existence: physical, biological, and beyond. We exist within

How Should We View All Human Beings?

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If we had a perception of humanity as a single family, then we would experience a whole new and complete level of happiness, well-being, health, safety, confidence, harmony, and peace throughout human society, between people, countries, and nations, and also

Will We Ever Live in a World Where Every Human Is Treated Equally Around the World?

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In nature’s view, humanity is one integral system. We, however, divide ourselves into different parts, such as countries and nations, due to our ego. We will have to rise above our ego and construct ourselves into one system. Whether or

Is the World Becoming Less Stable?

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Undoubtedly. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, from which I derive everything I say, we are entering a new era that Kabbalists refer to as “the age of the last generation.” This age is characterized by humanity’s very intensive development. It

What Is the Importance of Sukkot?

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The whole point of Sukkot is to connect ourselves together, as it is written, “as one man with one heart,” under one thatch, with all four species together, which is what we need to see in our connection. We should

Israel: The Small Nation with a Global Responsibility

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“On the world map, Israel seems like a tiny, helpless dot compared to the superpowers. And yet, throughout the generations, our sages have insisted that ‘Everything depends on Israel.’” – Rabbi David Solomon Eibenschutz, Willows of the Brook, Portion Lech

From Hatred to Love: The Path of Jewish Connection

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In the beginning of my book, Jewish Self-Hatred: The Enemy Within – An Overview of Jewish Antisemitism, I explained how the Jewish people harbor both of the two opposing forces in nature, the altruistic force and the selfish force, which, if

Commemorating Baal HaSulam: The Great Kabbalist Who Paved the Way to Life’s Purpose

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Today, we commemorate the passing of Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag, known as “Baal HaSulam” for his monumental “Sulam” (“Ladder”) commentary to The Book of Zohar. He was a spiritual giant whose teachings continue to guide anyone who seeks life’s meaning and purpose.