Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

The Allegory of the Big Dog and the Puppy Chasing Its Tail

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A big dog saw a puppy chasing its tail and asked, “Why are you running in circles?” The puppy replied, “I have studied philosophy, solved the mysteries of the universe, and learned that the best thing for a dog is happiness. And my happiness is in the tail. When I catch it, it will be mine.”

The dog smiled and said, “Son, I also thought about the world’s problems and came to the same conclusion that happiness is in the tail. But then I noticed that wherever I go, whatever I do, my tail follows me.”

This allegory illustrates that we chase happiness, thinking it is somewhere ahead, yet it is always near, always following us. There is no need to run after it.

It raises questions about happiness: What is happiness? Can we recognize it? Happiness is not something to chase. It exists close to us, within us, behind us, always present.

However, we live in a world that values chasing materialistic goals, and striving for advancements in knowledge, science, and technology. Should we not enter this pursuit to advance in these fields? Does that pursuit not bring us pleasure and happiness?

There is really no need to run anywhere. We have yet to learn that happiness comes from living quietly, from being at peace with life itself. “Living quietly” means living without unnecessary ambitions and unattainable goals, simply living life as it is, in peace. Life itself shows us the way. It teaches us not to demand too much from it. Instead, take what you have, be satisfied, and set an example for others.

This is how I live. Happiness is not about chasing, acquiring, or achieving. It is about learning to exist in peace and to accept life as it comes.

Based on KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on November 13, 2023. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

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