Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What Are the Benefits of Social Cohesion?

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Social cohesion and sparing ourselves from myriad crises are codependent.

How does it work? We live in a system of laws that govern relationships between closeness and separation on physical and biological scales. While living within these laws, the human will is the most powerful and influential force that can change how these laws influence us. Accordingly, by coming closer in our wills, desires and intentions, we can alter the very way nature’s laws influence us.

Unfortunately, we have no examples of alterations in the influence of nature’s laws on us in response to certain efforts in our wills and intentions. It is because we have yet to achieve such a transformation. However, the laws are organized such that if we change our attitudes to each other from negative to positive, then no more crises will befall us.

Moreover, sparing ourselves from myriad crises, problems and diseases are the smallest scale benefits that we experience when we change our attitudes to each other from negative to positive, thereby increasing our social cohesiveness. Beyond such a level, we unlock the way to a whole new harmonious and peaceful life that we have never known in our current lives, discovering a newfound happiness and confidence sweep through society as we become enlivened with a new socially cohesive atmosphere, one of mutual consideration, support and encouragement.

Based on the video “What Are the Benefits of Social Cohesion?” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

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