Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What Do You Do When You Feel Sad?

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I never feel sad. I do not let sadness develop in me. I do so by keeping myself occupied, but even if I did nothing at all, I would still not be sad.

Not letting this feeling develop in us is the first part. Secondly, we should find, absorb and encompass more information about our development, how nature and human nature works, where it is from, where we are now, where we are headed, and what is our meaning and purpose. That is what I do, and it is why I do not let sadness build up inside me.

Not being sad also does not mean being joyful all the time. All in all, we live quite ordinary lives where we cannot be in a constant state of joy or euphoria. But in principle, we also should not let sadness engulf us. We can be in a neutral state and thus feel as if we are floating. We will then experience joy, and then various other states. Joy will come in a small dose, and then we float again, and carry on accordingly.

Without experiencing the myriad states that we do, we would be unable to notice time. Through opposing feelings such as joy and sadness, fear and happiness, and so on, we feel the passing of time. Time is thus the alternation of such feelings and states.

Based on KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Semion Vinokur on June 17, 2024. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

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