Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What Does It Mean for Someone to Be Pure?

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There are two cases in which we can be pure.

One is that our desire to receive is very small, and then we are pure similar to little children. That is, human nature is a desire to receive enjoyment, and this desire grows individually and throughout humanity—from smaller individual desires for food, sex, family and shelter, through bigger and bigger social desires for money, honor, control, and then even bigger desires for knowledge and spirituality. Therefore, we can be pure if we host a very small and undeveloped desire, which is similar to the innocence and purity we see in little children.

However, we can also be pure with a large desire to receive. How? It is via the work of developing an intention to bestow upon it.

In order to work on developing an intention to bestow upon our innate desire to receive, we need to attract the positive force of love and bestowal that dwells in nature. Doing so gradually acts on us and lets our intention shift from an impure egoistic one, where we aim solely to benefit ourselves at the expense of others and nature, to an altruistic one, where we intend to benefit others and nature.

The latter purity requires work, and Kabbalah is a method that guides such work. It is for those people who feel that they have a big desire to receive, and who feel a need to work with it in order to better navigate the impulses that constantly act on them.

With the method of Kabbalah, we can attract the positive force of love and bestowal in nature, which is called “attracting the reforming light,” impact a major shift in our intention, and learn how to become pure in a world where an overblown desire to receive increasingly spoils more and more people’s lives.

Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on August 25, 2024. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

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