Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What Would Happen if Humankind United?

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If humanity united positively like one big family, we would then see a whole new reality unfold, one of happiness, well-being, confidence, harmony and peace both in human society and between humanity and nature.

We can somewhat liken it to a baby in its mother’s arms. What could be better for the baby? In its mothers’ arms, the baby is in its safest place, feeling complete confidence and security. That is somewhat how we would feel among human society at large if we unite with relations akin to a single family.

In such a state, we would also each receive fulfillment from our feeling of responsibility toward humanity. How would such a feeling fulfill us? It is because, in this integral system, we each have a unique point from which we are responsible for all people, and we would then feel that responsibility and act on it. Moreover, in such a state where everyone would feel as if they live in a single family, humanity would fuel each person with the necessary energy and resources to sustain a sense of mutual responsibility.

Everyone would then have everything that they ultimately want in life. We would then discover the positive forces dwelling in nature, and they would provide us with everything we need abundantly.

Imagine if all eight billion people in the world were thinking about your benefit, that you would be happy, healthy, confident and have everything you need in life? You would then have no self-concerns, and you would then also wish to think about how you could benefit them in return.

Mutual responsibility brings us into balance with the general laws of nature. As we head into the future, we are going to increasingly want such a state to emerge because it is the destination where nature ultimately leads us. We will also see that we have no choice but to live as a united humanity if we truly wish to enjoy our lives.

I thus wish for us all to feel our interdependence as one unified globally-integrated society, and that we will reach this feeling sooner rather than later. By doing so, we will spare ourselves much suffering in the process.

Based on the video “What Would Happen if Humanity United?” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Oren Levi. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

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