Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Where Is the Soul?

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Everybody has an egoistic desire that makes us each wish to receive for self-benefit alone. We are connected to everyone with this desire, whether or not we see, feel or identify that it is the case. We are interconnected similarly to how cells connect in a human body. It could be that one cell is at the tip of our pinky finger, but it is nevertheless connected to the whole body, which in turn connects back to that cell.

Here arises the question: What is the soul? The connection between a single cell and the whole body from which it receives its sustenance on all levels, such a connection with the whole is the connection to the soul. Therefore, the whole body with regard to that cell is considered that cell’s soul.

This is how it is with each and every individual. It thus follows that we are all interconnected. Together, we create a collective soul that we call the “Shechina” (“Divinity”). We each connect to that Shechina, or soul, through our own individual point, and such a point is then called “the root of our soul.”

The force that we discover in those souls that connect together in the Shechina is called the “upper force.” It is a force of love and bestowal, which wishes solely to bestow goodness upon all creations.

Based on the video “Where Is the Soul?” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

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