Highly intelligent people are happier to have less social contact. That is a conclusion from a study by evolutionary psychologists Satoshi Kanazawa and Norman P. Li, who examined the effects of population density, frequency of social interactions and intelligence levels in relation to people’s happiness.
It is quite a clear phenomenon. We can see how people who engage in specialized fields try to surround themselves only with whatever and whoever relates to the goals they have set for themselves.
I, too, would be happy to sit in a closed room all day with my books and my computer, and not come into contact with anyone. However, since I have come to the realization that the purpose of our lives is to correct ourselves by positively connecting with others — to transform our egoistic intention for self-benefit into an altruistic aim to benefit others, and by doing so, achieve balance with the laws of nature — then due to my adherence to life’s goal, I do whatever I can to come out of myself and connect with others.
In my case, this involves giving Kabbalah lessons every morning and evening, which is the most direct way to draw the force of connection into our lives. 1,000s of my students around the world use these lessons to increase their closeness to each other and to the laws of nature. They advance in their connection from one day to the next in groups of ten — an infrastructure for realizing such connection.
Outside of the lessons, I also have my schedule filled with speaking in programs for the TV, radio and Internet, writing articles and posts, working on books, and participating in various meetings, all in order to advance the idea of humanity’s needed connection.
Everyone has a different place in the system of creation, and thus it is unnecessary for everyone to study and spread the wisdom of Kabbalah in such an intensive way, even though the option is there for whomever so wishes.
However, the principle is that when a person desires to connect with others as a means to reach the purpose of life — balance with the laws of nature — then this yearning guides the person to discover his or her perfect place in the system. In the wisdom of Kabbalah, this is referred to as reaching the root of our soul, the ultimate harmonious state that we can all achieve.
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