Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Why Has the Suicide Rate Gone Up in the Past 45 Years So Much?

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The staggering number of suicides around the world is a direct consequence of the breakage of our human society. Human nature is the desire to enjoy. We all wish comfort, safety, and happiness for ourselves, but we instead face an endless cycle of negative feelings and dissatisfaction. This leads us to the fundamental existential questions: What is the meaning of life? Why do we need life? What is there to look forward to? When we confront an increasingly unstable world, we start feeling that life holds nothing but suffering. The thought that everyone else also struggles fails to bring us any solace in this situation.

We can be led, both emotionally and logically, to a state where taking our own life seems like the only solution. If life is merely about surviving endless hardships, then what should prevent us from ending it? The instinct of self-preservation is not strong enough to counterbalance the overwhelming pain, and we see how easily it can be neutralized. Society, however, largely determines the way this equation plays out in a person. For instance, the Japanese have historically revered death, elevating it to a form of cultural honor. In America, the problem manifests differently, through widespread drug abuse, which serves as an escape from existential emptiness.

Depression continues increasing, particularly among the most developed nations. This is unsurprising as the more advanced a society becomes, the more acutely it feels the inner void. It is not just an issue with developed nations though, it is an increasing problem throughout humanity the more we evolve. However, there is a way out.

Humanity will reach a point where many people will prefer death to life, and that this will be a moment of transition. At this tipping point, people will realize that their suffering is not caused by external forces but by their own internal disharmony. They will come to see that they have driven themselves out of balance, not just with each other but with nature itself. They will stop blaming nature and causes external to themselves, and start acknowledging that their egoistic approach to life has turned nature against them. Such a realization will demand a radical shift.

When this happens, humanity will finally discover the method to change itself. People will learn to achieve balance, happiness, and harmony with the surrounding reality. This awakening will open the door to a new perception of life, where our direction to the purpose of life, unity, and an eternal and perfect sensation of existence will replace suffering.

Based on KabTV’s “Close-Up. Pole Inversion”with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on May 15, 2011. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

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