Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

When Purim Meets International Women’s Day

The events described in the Purim story hint at humanity’s spiritual corrections. Translating these corrections from the poetic and colorful language of legend to the language of qualitative inner change lets us see how they describe connection among people, and

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Posted in Articles, Coronavirus, News

Benefits of the Coronavirus

What kinds of benefits could a virus that has killed people and that has offset the world into panic possibly have? The coronavirus is helping us come to terms with our smallness and weakness as human beings in the face

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How to Respond to Questions about Death in the Coronavirus Era

As the Coronavirus continues its world tour, and panic penetrates populations of people, some are facing the ultimate question about death. How should we respond to death? What is death? What happens after we die? The nature surrounding us is

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Tik Tok Tripping Jump Challenge: A Wake-Up Call to the Need for Internet Regulation

If we used to caution our kids about talking to strangers and walking in side alleys, today they sit at home with their mobile devices and all the dangers are at their fingertips. The latest dangerous viral trend, the Tripping

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The Coronavirus Is a Wake-Up Call for China to Upgrade Its Attitude to the World

In addition to the illness, death and fear that the coronavirus has effectuated, the global economy has suffered a major $160 billion blow. In China, Apple, McDonald’s, Starbucks and dozens of other chains have closed their stores. Entire cities have been shut

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Posted in Articles, Coronavirus, News

Brexit Is Good for Europe and the World

The relationship between the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union has always been shaky. Now they’ve officially divorced. Brexit finally happened, and there is good reason for the sense of relief and sounds of joy recently resounding throughout the

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Posted in Articles, Global Economy, Money, News

From Generation Screen to Generation Connection

A lot of criticism has been raised about the younger generation trapped in virtual space day and night behind computer screens and mobile devices. Various detractors say that this is a lifeless generation lacking proper brain development, communication skills, imagination,

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Posted in Articles, Communication, Integral Education, Integral Education Principles, Social Mutual Responsibility

How Workplace Stress among Doctors Leads to Suicide

As distressing a problem as suicide is in and of itself, suicide among doctors is particularly troubling. Hundreds of doctors take their lives each year at a rate of over double that of the general population. Why do so many doctors, a

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Posted in Articles, Health, News

Maybe We Have Yet to See Kobe Bryant’s Greatest Achievement

As obituaries, tears and heavy mourning continue filling the world in the aftermath of Kobe Bryant’s unexpected death, the grief is accompanied by a very deep question: How does such a person, a cultural icon who had everything considered valuable

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Posted in Articles, Interpersonal Relationships, News

Nature’s Life-Giving Secrets That We Can Learn from Chernobyl

On April 26, 1986, one of the world’s worst-case scenarios materialized. The Chernobyl nuclear reactor exploded as a result of a failed experiment, releasing ten times more radiation than the amount from Hiroshima. A vast area became deadly for 350,000

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Why Connection Makes Us Happier Even If We’re Happy with Less Social Contact

Highly intelligent people are happier to have less social contact. That is a conclusion from a study by evolutionary psychologists Satoshi Kanazawa and Norman P. Li, who examined the effects of population density, frequency of social interactions and intelligence levels in relation

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Posted in Articles, Communication, Integral Education, Integral Education Principles, News, What is Integral Education

How Parents Can Prevent Their Children Cutting Them Off

When my late mother lived alone in her older years in Canada, I did everything I could to find her the best place to live. My son, who also lives in Canada, would send me pictures and videos of her,

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