Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Hebrew Language Day: An Opportunity to Learn About the Code of Love

We are fortunate to be living in a time when we can speak Hebrew freely. I only began to learn Hebrew when I moved to Lithuania in the early 1970s, while in transit on the way to Israel. Until then

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Israel’s Existential Threats and the Nation-State Law

It looked like a scene playing out in Gaza, but its location was the heart of Tel Aviv: Palestinian flags hoisted at Rabin Square protesting the recently passed Nation-State law. Israel’s democracy is being abused not used. When the intrinsic

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Inevitable Consequences of Increasing Apathy of Unaffiliated American Jews

While 88% of the residents living in Israel said they are satisfied with their lives, on the other side of the world there is an increasing percentage of worried Jews. In the past two weeks, two new studies have been

Posted in Articles, Jewish, News

Women Who Regret Having Children: The Deeper Cause and Solution

Regret for having children. It’s a taboo subject difficult for most women to open up about. However, in recent years, Internet discussions, bestselling books and sociological studies have helped place it into the public spotlight. Why do some women regret

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Nazism on America’s Doorstep

When cold-blooded murder is committed, and even encouraged, in the name of liberalism, a serious alarm should ring throughout the country. Left unchecked, Nazism will grip the land of the free. In December 1964, the Free Speech Movement was initiated

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How Trump Can Drain the Swamp

So far, Trump’s been a fighter, but draining the swamp and making America great will take a miracle—uniting the “United States.” Some Points to Consider To no one’s surprise, even President Trump’s April 7 missile attack on the Syrian air

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Jewish Self-Hatred Is the Leaven We Must Clear Out

If there is any hatred more enigmatic than antisemitism, it is Jewish antisemitism. Our self-hatred is a sinister, undying fountain, but it will not dry out until we find its trigger and defuse it. History is replete with examples of

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Connection: Something New on the Seder Menu

This year, as we sit around the table during the Seder and talk about freedom, let’s talk about freedom from hatred. The deeper we go into 2017, the more chaotic the world appears. Today, the only thing most people can

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Exodus – The Secret of Our Nationhood

Each Passover, we focus our attention on the historic struggle between Moses and Pharaoh, and the enslavement of the Hebrews. Yet, the story of our people in Egypt is more than a collective memory; it is an accurate depiction of

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What Is a Miracle?

  Hanukkah is a great time to talk about miracles. A miracle, by definition, is something that according to the laws of nature isn’t supposed to happen. So for example, if at the end of the eight days of Hanukkah

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What Liberal Jews Can Learn From Henry Ford

If we keep seeking to assimilate rather than to be a role model of unity, the world will once again show us our role. Throughout history, there have been Jews who hated their own heritage. Throughout history, a notable proliferation

Posted in Articles, George Soros, News

The Demise of Totalitarian Liberalism

The end of hate-filled, totalitarian “liberalism” began with Netanyahu, spread to the US, and will continue to Europe During the March 2015 election campaign in Israel, the polls predicted a dead heat between the right leaning Likud and the left

Posted in Articles, Donald Trump, News