Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

The end of liberalism as we know it

I have no preference for either the Democratic or Republican Party, but I do know the laws of human nature. The refusal to accept the election results that was accompanied by violent protests, claims of election fraud and hateful labeling

Posted in Articles, Donald Trump, News

The Return of Sane Capitalism?

When the financial bubble popped in 2008, many people felt the pain. Many still do. The longer you inflate a bubble, the more it hurts when it pops. Donald Trump’s stunning victory has popped a bubble that has been inflating

Posted in Articles, Donald Trump, News

New Economics Is Dead; Long Live New Economics

For decades, the economy has been exploiting the middle class, but a just economy first requires a connected society. A few days ago, an article in the prestigious Harvard Business Review revealed that half of America’s adults think that fifty

Posted in Articles, Global Economy, News

Israel’s Security and Economic Crisis

Dr. Laitman: There is a connection between all the situations. Even a global connection all around the world that is presented as a multifaceted crisis at the moment. It all depends on man’s attitude to life. We can’t simply manage

Posted in Business in the New World, Integral Education

The Integral Organization

What is the process an organization has to go through from the situation it is in today to a future state where it functions in an integral manner? And how will the people in such an organization function and feel?

Posted in Integral Education, Organizational Effectiveness

Teens in the Global Media

What is it about the virtual realm that is so appealing to youngsters nowadays? How can we shift their aspirations for fame and self-promotion toward actively participating in building positive integral global communications?

Posted in Communication, Integral Education

The Advertising World

What will the future power of advertising be and what pleasures will be promoted in the new world? Dr. Laitman discusses the upcoming changes in the advertising world as a result of a shift of values in society.

Posted in Communication, Integral Education

Communication Between the Affluent and The Government

The masses demand social justic and what do the people of influence do about the desires of the masses? How can the integral education approach bring a positive step forward and influence all citizens?

Posted in Communication, Integral Education

Potential of Social Networks

What does this need in our society symbolize? Why do we create social networks and what is their potential?

Posted in Communication, Integral Education

The Internet Revolution

On the internet everything is open and accessible. The borders were broken and man was given the choice to choose the environment that will influence him. How can we use this tool to maintain a good environment for us and

Posted in Communication, Integral Education

Mass Communications

What kind of perspective of life and values does mass communication give us and does it help the process human society is going through? Dr. Laitman talks about the new world.

Posted in Communication, Integral Education

The Power of Communication

Mass communications talks to the public at large and shapes public opinion. What is the extent ofthe influence of communication on a person and what should its educational role be? Dr. Laitman provides another aspect of the intergral approach.

Posted in Communication, Integral Education