Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

A Common Vessel

Through the correct communication between people we can reach a common desire, through which we will be matching the new conditions of the global world. Dr. Laitman discusses new tools for achieving balance and success in life.

Posted in Integral Education, Organizational Effectiveness

We Are All In One Boat

What changes does a person go through in our time and what is their purpose? Dr. Laitman discusses the suitable education for the integral approach.

Posted in Integral Education, Organizational Effectiveness

Building A Corporate Strategy II

How can a corporation prepare itself for tomorrow in the most optimal manner? What kind of new way can we find to cope in this competitive market. Dr. Laitman: Competition does not disappear. It is only a new type of

Posted in Organizational Effectiveness

Building a Corporate Strategy

Corporations hire many consultants to create strategies, but since no one can see a few steps forward it is difficult to plan ahead. The first question is regarding building our strategy forward. Dr. Laitman: Today we don’t have the knowledge

Posted in Organizational Effectiveness

Presenting The Integral Approach to HR Executives

Today we will talk about what is happening at work nowadays. Despite all the new means of communication we have all around us, people are actually feeling quite isolated in today’s world. We travel back and forth to work in

Posted in Organizational Effectiveness

The New Corporate World

Can the work place be defined as a school where adults come to be educated? Can investing time and resources in the individual development of employees increase profitability?

Posted in Organizational Effectiveness

How Communities Can Make Us Happy

Research shows how community is a big part of a person’s happiness. How do you summarize the community’s role? Dr. Laitman: I wouldn’t call this approach The Economy of Happiness because it does not look after a person’s happiness or

Posted in Business in the New World

The Economics of Happiness

Are we talking about a different approach in the world? Or is it just a lack of options? Of course there is not enough data to analyze the state of the average citizen because people are not machines. People need

Posted in Business in the New World, Integral Education

Contribution to Society Key To Corporate Sustainability

A company cannot simply exist simply to increase profits and revenue statements. No businesses can operate in that manner from this point forward.  We need to measure a business’s value only by its contribution to society. Any business that society

Posted in Business in the New World

Global Laws of Motivation

Humans are naturally motivated to seek lasting pleasure. However when their desire meets the pleasure, their desire is gradually extinguished. The resulting emptiness motivates the individual to once again seek fulfillment. Thus creating an endless cycle of fleeting pleasures.

Posted in Integral Education Principles

The Global Law of Necessity and Surplus

A human being’s desires can only be fulfilled according to their natural purpose. An individual has physical desires, and social desires. The physical desires can be fulfilled by the individual and their purpose is survival. While social desires can only

Posted in Integral Education Principles

Law of Purpose

Posted in Integral Education Principles