Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Global Laws of Success

In a social system, an individual’s success is motivated and measured by society. The individual is constantly working to fulfill the goals of society. Being unaware of this dynamic, the individual attributes accomplishments to oneself. This egoistic perception isolates individuals

Posted in Integral Education Principles

How A Business Should Operate in the New Global Era

Everyting revolves around the business world and our work place – people always ask, where do you work? With all the changes on the way, how will that affect the business world?

Posted in Business in the New World

Companies Must Understand The New Conditions To Thrive

People want to enjoy themselves nowadays on the account of others. Even if we know we are causing them damage, we don’t care, we just want to enjoy ourselves. It’s not just a lack of cordial relations between friends, where

Posted in Business in the New World

New Life – Program 81 – Balanced Body

Contagious diseases have advantages, they develop vaccines in us. But why are there some that are impossible to heal and what can be done to make the body healthy?

Posted in Health

New Life – Program 80 – Heart Health

The heart symbolizes the desires and passions of man. Dr. Laitman talks about love and spiritual perception , and how the two are connected.

Posted in Health

New Life – Program 79 – Health & Cancer

Cancer is a reflection of the defective spiritual system of humanity. Dr. Laitman explains how educating humanity to have better relationships will bring about the healing of cancer at both the individual level and level of society.

Posted in Health

New Life – Program 78 – Health & Pain

How can we heal the pain and transform it into a source of happiness, joy and health? Dr. Laitman discusses the role of pain in the human society.

Posted in Health

New Life – Program 77 – From Health to Sickness

Dr. Laitman discusses the cause for diseases, the egoistic medical system we have today and how it must change.

Posted in Health

New Life – Program 54 – Change of Values

How can we feel we are thriving rather than in crisis? How can mutual responsibility help us transition to a value system of love, mutual help and dependence?

Posted in Social Mutual Responsibility

New Life – Program 53 – The Power of the People

What are the benefits of connecting for finding a solution to the global crisis and what is the power of the masses in bringing about change?

Posted in Social Mutual Responsibility

New Life – Program 52 – Social Balance

How can the people of Israel work together to achieve social balance? Explanation about how Israel can advance to a better lifestyle.

Posted in Social Mutual Responsibility

New Life – Program 51 – Time To Take Stock

How that same ego that brought us to a thriving society is now working against us, and why it is important for the benefit of the individual and society to be tied together.

Posted in Social Mutual Responsibility