Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

New Life – Program 50 – Taking Preemptive Steps

Unity of the Nation of Israel is the solution of the hour, and what is the essential difference between mutual help that stems from unity and the charitable organizations that exist today?

Posted in Social Mutual Responsibility

New Life – Program 49 – Renewal in the Mutual Connection

In the transition to the new phase, how will society succeed in supplying a person with a sense of security that he will lack for nothing, while maintaining their honor and pride?

Posted in Social Mutual Responsibility

New Life – Program 48 – Complimentary System of Services

The gloomy economic and security outlook are obligating us to prepare for a challenging period. A complementary system of services beyond public services can improve the situation.

Posted in Social Mutual Responsibility

New Life – Program 47 – The Global Connection

Relationships symbolize our social relations. Correcting the ego will bring correction in all areas of our lives, as well as relationships.

Posted in Social Mutual Responsibility

New Life – Program 46 – Joint Forces

Though connecting and love each of us can become enriched with new forces. The condition is perceiving the other as greater than oneself.

Posted in Interpersonal Relationships

New Life – Program 45 – Family & Intimacy

Why is the physical connection between partners so important, what is the way to awaken desire, what is fighting good for, what is the true magic of a compliment?

Posted in Interpersonal Relationships

New Life – Program 44 – Pure Love

The connection between love and mutual compromise, and why “being a helpmate” helps strengthen the quality of our relations?

Posted in Interpersonal Relationships

New Life – Program 43 – Upgraded Relations

How can we teach ourselves to feel love? How can guided imagery help us see our partners as the best spouses in the world?

Posted in Interpersonal Relationships

New Life – Program 42 – The Magic of Connecting

The principles for building a connection between partners that provides mutual satisfaction, and how it can lead to infinite fulfillment.

Posted in Interpersonal Relationships

New Life – Program 41 – Means for Developing As a Human Being

How through mutual compromise on our ego, love and concern for others, is it possible to grow to a new level together?

Posted in Interpersonal Relationships

New Life – Program 40 – The Secret Connection between Us

What is the secret to a good relationship? What is the path to mutual understanding, growth, and how can we acquire new sensors to feel our partner, other people and all of nature?

Posted in Interpersonal Relationships

New Life – Program 39 – Work Process for Partners Ready for Change

What is the scope of work for couples seeking to improve their lives and how does emotion develop from positive to negative within the complexity of the process?

Posted in Interpersonal Relationships