Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What Can Jews Learn from the San Diego Synagogue Shooting?

“I would rather die or spend the rest of my life in jail than know that I have done nothing to stop this evil,” reads a manifesto published online by the shooter targeting Jews at a synagogue in California this week. As we approach

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Passover 2019: The Exodus from Israel – A Record-Breaking 1.5 Million Israelis Travel Overseas for the Passover Season

“Why is this night different from all other nights?” Passover Haggadah. You won’t see this in any other nation. Paradoxically, during the Passover holiday, which celebrates the exodus of Jews from Egypt and entrance into the land of Israel, there are

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We Shall Not Forget The Holocaust, Nor Why We Are Here

The Holocaust has been overblown. This is a blunt and worrying belief expressed by one third of Americans according to a new study released by a Jewish organization ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day next month. Minimizing the impact of such an atrocity is

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3D Heart Printed in Israel

Once again the Startup Nation delivers the breakthrough, this time in the form of the human heart. Researchers from Tel Aviv University have demonstrated how to take human tissues and use them to print a 3D living, beating heart. Within

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Is Basel III a Gold Standard for Human Relations?

It’s very likely that you are not familiar with the term “Basel III.” But for those involved in the financial system, Basel III is a phrase that represents the disillusionment that followed the trauma we all experienced in the global economic

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Beresheet, Passover and the Space Between Us

“We started something and we need to finish it. We’ll put our flag on the moon,” said SpaceIL chairman Morris Kahn in an interview after Israel’s spacecraft Beresheet failed to land on the moon and become the fourth country in the world to achieve

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South Korea’s Love-Hate Relationship Toward Jews

Extreme Jew-hating and Jew-loving sentiments are prevalent in South Korea, a land where most of the people have never even met a Jewish person. How can this strange paradox be explained? It shows that the phenomenon of anti-Semitism is beyond all logical

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Fighting Anti-Semitism — an Open Letter to Secretary of State Pompeo

Dear Secretary Pompeo, I appreciate that your office is allocating funds to fight anti-Semitism around the world. As we saw at the recent AIPAC gathering, anti-Semitism appears to be the only issue that truly unifies the Jewish people above the

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Measles Outbreak & Anti-Semitism

The outbreak of Measles provides another justification for the inherent hatred towards Jews; a way to rationalize anti-Semitic sentiments. Even in the Middle Ages Jews were blamed for spreading diseases, but the claim was opposite: Since bathing regularly wasn’t common,

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An Open Letter to Secretary Pompeo about Fighting Anti-Semitism

Dear Secretary Pompeo, I appreciate that your office is allocating funds to fight anti-Semitism around the world. As we saw at the recent AIPAC gathering, anti-Semitism appears to be the only issue that truly unifies the Jewish people above the

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State Dept & Anti-Semitism

$2 million is the amount allocated by the U.S. State Department for two projects to combat the growing anti-Semitism in Europe and Central Asia. This proposal itself highlights the problem with the approach to anti-Semitism. The premise is wrong. We

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How Trump Can Help the Chosen People

“He changes the times and seasons; He removes kings and establishes them.” (Daniel 2:21) At the time when the pro-Israel AIPAC lobby is making headlines, there are other players whose influence is no less important in safeguarding the interests of

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