Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

The Root of the BDS Boycotts of Israel

The enemies of the Israeli nation do not rest. While a Mideast policy bill that would penalize companies or businesses that boycott Israel managed to get approved in the US Senate, on the other side of the ocean in Europe, the situation

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Holocaust Remembrance Day: Today as Yesterday

“Never again.” A powerful statement with deep personal meaning to me since childhood when I started asking questions about why most of my family perished under the Third Reich and what the future would look like for my people, I

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Davos 2019: Six Questions about Our Future That We Shouldn’t Expect the Forum to Answer

Davos 2019: Six Questions about Our Future That We Shouldn’t Expect the Forum to Answer Once again, over 3,000 of the world’s richest people, world leaders, decision makers and economists are convened in the picturesque, snowy city of Davos, Switzerland.

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Tu Bishvat: Planting the Tree of Life in a Fertile Field

Tu Bishvat symbolizes a very special state in a person’s life, marked in the Jewish calendar on the 15th of Shevat. It is traditionally associated with the “New Year of the Trees,” so you might ask: “How does this relate

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Brexit Is Only the Beginning of the Worst Divorce in Modern History

Brexit Is Only the Beginning of the Worst Divorce in Modern History “This is the most significant vote that any of us will be part of in our political careers,” pleads UK Prime Minister Theresa May to the House of

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Education Coupled with Blockchain Will Be the Basis for Future Nations

Imagine a world where a decentralized virtual network manages every aspect of our lives for us, where all we need to focus on is helping one another be better humans. Blockchain technology will play a key role in weaving the

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Addictions: Discover the Drug of Life

We are all addicted. Society is organized in such a way that at any given moment in our lives, we become addicted to something: things we are used to do or consume from childhood, certain food, a way of thinking

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2019: How Israel’s Divisive Elections Can Become a Springboard to Unity

The election campaign in Israel is not going to look any different from other election campaigns the world has witnessed over the past two years. It’s a spree of excessive ego, exploitation, and corruption. Everyone wants to control and trample

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What lies ahead for Jews in 2019?

2018 was a good year for Jews. This statement  might appear to a contradict the facts in light of the rampant anti-Semitism that erupted in basically every corner in the world, but the surface evil can be transformed into an

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Jewish Innovation: Discarding our “Dirty Laundry”

Billions of people enjoy new technologies, while few are the innovators who command and develop the inventions that change the way we live. Consider for a moment the impact of one simple technological breakthrough in 1782 by Henry Sidgier with

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Hebrew Language Day: An Opportunity to Learn About the Code of Love

We are fortunate to be living in a time when we can speak Hebrew freely. I only began to learn Hebrew when I moved to Lithuania in the early 1970s, while in transit on the way to Israel. Until then

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2019 Global Analysis: How to Swing Back to Balance

As we approach 2019, the world finds itself as if on a swing, but the ride is not of the soothing kind, with birds chirping around us tenderly as we enjoy the pleasant, balanced movement from side to side. Rather,

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