Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Millennials: Redefining the Rules of the Economy

As a new year approaches, an atmosphere of increased consumerism envelops societies across the globe. However, there is a generational stratum that is spoiling the commercial hoopla: the millennials. Getting a new car, a new house and a new partner

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Why the European Union Needs a Good Marriage Counselor

The concept of the European Union was a good idea in theory, but in order to make it work in practice, it is mandatory to understand how the laws of nature operate on the human level. The wedding took place

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Why the European Union Needs a Good Marriage Counselor

The wedding took place on May 9, 1950. French Foreign Minister Robert Schumann initiated a program for France and Germany to collaborate in the production of coal and steel, which were important resources for conducting war. Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg and

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How to Redirect the Anti-Semitism That Surfaced in Yellow Vest Protests

What started as a movement against fuel-tax increases has rapidly fueled France’s already flammable anti-Semitism. “Macron is a whore of the Jews—a puppet,” slogans  on signs declared and protesters chant in the streets. Opposition to President Emmanuel Macron by activists dubbed the “Yellow

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The Ten Lost Tribes and Who Is A Jew?

Light penetrates the windows of a small brick hut and illuminates a group of African men dressed in white swaying. One shuts his eyes and shouts with a heavy Hebrew accent: “Oseh shalom!” “Hallelujah!” the crowd responds. He sings out

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A Jewish Thought Network: The Most Powerful Weapon to Combat Anti-Semitism

The power of thought is tremendously powerful and its scope of action lies in the network of our connection: we are as strong as we are united, and as weak as we are divided. When the word “Jew” becomes an

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Kabbalah is a method that teaches how to create a positively connected society of happy individuals, balanced with nature. Everyone wants to be happy. There are myriad interpretations of what happiness is, how to be happy, and what the source of

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A Jewish Thought Network: The Most Powerful Weapon to Combat Anti-Semitism

When the word “Jew” becomes an insult there is a reason to worry. That is the reality a school teacher experiences in today’s Europe, as she needs to hide her religion out of fear for her safety. A recent poll conducted by CNN confirmed

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Brexit May Never Happen

The time has come for a different kind of connection that is not based on egoism, which the current system is built on. Thanks to the recent Brussels summit, there is now an agreement on the table for the withdrawal of

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Hanukkah Universally Illuminates Our Lives

Hanukkah is not just another week in the Jewish calendar. It can be used as a respite dedicated to personal enlightenment, one week set aside for life transformation. The holiday of Hanukkah signifies the victory of light over darkness, unity over division.

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“European Spring” Scenario Could Spread Like Wildfire

The riots taking place in the heart of Paris are the seeds of an inevitable change in the rules of the socio-economic game in Europe. The “yellow vests” people protest the rise in fuel prices and cost of living as

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Hanukkah: Setting Aside One Week for Life Transformation

The word Hanukkah, from Hebrew “Hanu-Koh,” or “stop here,” represents the first stage of spiritual development, a process of correcting the desire to enjoy for oneself and inverting it into a desire to bestowal unto others, a state that liberates

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