Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Hanukkah: Setting Aside One Week for Life Transformation

Hanukkah is not just another week in the Jewish calendar. It can be used as a respite dedicated to personal enlightenment, one week set aside for life transformation. The holiday of Hanukkah signifies the victory of light over darkness, unity over division.

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The Nation of Israel Is the Only Nation with No Biological Root

The nation of Israel is the only nation in the world with no biological root. Unlike other nations, which emerged from shared parents and a small group, the nation of Israel has no biological parentage. Instead, it emerges from ancient Babylon, where Abraham the

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The UN Partition Plan and the Rebirth of Israel: Where Are We Now?

71 years ago, masses of Jews in Israel and the Diaspora gathered around radio transistors, fascinated by the most dramatic vote in Israel’s history. After long nerve-racking hours, in November 29, 1947, an American announcer’s concluding statement sliced ​​through the

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Worlds’s 8 Billion Citizens Possess Seed of anti-Semitism

How is it possible that in today’s modern and enlightened Europe, 1 in 20 Europeans has never heard of the terrible Holocaust that took place on their land? What is causing 1 out of 5 Europeans to justify anti-Semitic sentiments?

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Jewish Wisdom and the Next Renaissance in Europe

Today’s humanity doesn’t necessarily recognize that the foundations shaping its culture were born in Europe: philosophy, science, art, politics, economics, and language. All of these transformed man from a barbaric creature to an enlightened human. However, day by day, Europe

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Fitness in the 21st Century: The Birth of a New Religion

Who doesn’t want to be fit these days? Trying to stay in good shape has become a noble quest in modern life, and an expensive one. Does the effort actually yield a more fulfilling life? The end result feels more

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Younger people are less sexually active today. Why is that?

The young generation lives in the most permissive era: They use apps where they can find casual sex, they have the morning after pill, sexting has become a normal behavior, and our culture has never been more open to sexual

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Activating the network of human connection for good

By producing positive forces in the network through showing others care, kindness and friendship, we radiate unifying thoughts above our instinctive egoistic thoughts.   We live in a field of connection that binds us together. We can’t see it, and

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I Too Have a Dream… A World Free of Anti-Semitism

Rekindling Black-Jewish Relations in America through Jewish connection  Early in the afternoon, walking in a busy area of Brooklyn, New York, a Jewish man wearing a yarmulke was punched in the face and kicked in an unprovoked attack by a

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To Thoughtfully Govern Leaders Must Rediscover the Family

On Nov. 11, 1918, World War I ended. One hundred years later, bells rang at the foot of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris as leaders of some 70 countries marched shoulder to shoulder on the plaza, marking the 100th

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Why Israel Must Fight on Two Fronts

Residents of southern Israel are right to protest. They demand quiet, and I agree with their harsh criticism against Israel’s leadership. Their willingness to stay in their shelters in order to allow for a temporary attack that will bring their

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Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau’s Apology to German Jews Comes at Height of Anti-Semitism in U.S. and Canada

Trying to escape the atrocities of Nazi Germany, around 900 Jewish refugees aboard the St. Louis ship were denied entry to Canada on June 7, 1939. It was one of the many rejected requests to obtain asylum in the North American continent,

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