Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Basic income should join forces with a ‘social network’ revolution

It’s the start of a new month. You wake up in the morning feeling a rush of energy. The air is thick with a positive warmth. You’re immediately motivated and inspired with a thought that is, as if, circulating around

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Sharp rise in anti-Semitism on “Kristallnacht” 80th Anniversary

On a dark night in November 9, 1938, the Nazis murdered several hundred Jews, burned 1,400 synagogues across Germany and Austria, destroyed Jewish homes and businesses, and vandalized Jewish hospitals, orphanages and cemeteries. 1,000s of Jewish men, women and children

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How to Tackle Stress in a World With the Highest Stress Ever

We can extract key insights about the internal mechanism driving the upswing in human stress from the wisdom of Kabbalah. By understanding the process at work, we can become empowered to effectively intervene. Crossing streets jammed with heavy traffic, approaching

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Understanding the Midterm Elections From a Global Perspective

“The only thing that I regret is that I killed two [cops] … I wish I killed more of those …” said illegal immigrant Luis Bracamontes with a diabolical grin on his face. Then came the title, “Who Else Would

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Posted in Articles, Donald Trump, News

Understanding the Midterm Elections from a Global Perspective

“The only thing that I regret is that I killed two [cops] … I wish I killed more of those …” said illegal immigrant Luis Bracamontes with a diabolical grin on his face. Then came the title “Who Else Would Democrats Let

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Posted in Articles, Donald Trump, News

Jews vs. Jews, Who Needs Anti-Semites? What the Pittsburgh Killings Uncovered

Aftershocks from Pittsburgh’s synagogue massacre have surfaced fissures and faults that riddle Jews in the US, in Israel, and between. Deep ideological divisions over who is responsible for American anti-Semitism and how to tackle the problem reveal the crumbling foundation

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How Human Connection Can Help Alleviate Anxiety and Fear

We all like to relax and sleep soundly, but our growing uncertainty about the future makes us anxious and concerned. The best way to rise above these feelings is to switch from self-concern to being concerned for others. Anxiety is

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Pittsburgh Tree of Life Synagogue massacre a call to unity

“It is a tree of life for those who hold fast to it, and all its supporters are happy. Its ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace.” (Proverbs 3:18) As US flags fly at half-staff for

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Rising Anti-Semitism in New York: Animosity Turned Into Violent Attacks

“He started to punch me. I screamed ‘What do you want from me?’ ‘Help!’” describes an Orthodox Jew about the moment when he had been viciously assaulted without provocation by a Pakistani immigrant in Brooklyn, NY. The video of the aggression went

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North Carolina Antisemitism Flyer

“Are you sick and tired of the Jews destroying your country through mass immigration and degeneracy? Join us in the struggle for global white supremacy.” These were the first words on a flyer that was placed this week in mailboxes

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How a Virtual Jewish Nation Can Bring About Tikkun Olam

We’re all familiar with “the cloud.” But have heard about “cloud nations”? If you ask futurists and visionaries, such as Dr. Roey Tzezana, they will tell you that in the coming decades we will no longer need the territorial institutions

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Why the World Never Gets Tired of Hating Jews

As he did every morning, Leopold Schwartz (62) walked to the Borough Park synagogue in Brooklyn. At 7:30am, as documented by security cameras at the neighborhood junction, one of the drivers got out of his car and brutally attacked Schwartz,

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