Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

A Virtual Jewish Nation May Teach the World How to Live on the Cloud

We’re all familiar with “the cloud.” But have heard about “cloud nations”? If you ask futurists and visionaries, such as Dr. Roey Tzezana, they will tell you that in the coming decades we will no longer need the territorial institutions

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Tragic Barkan Killing Bursts Bubble of Coexistence

The tragic killing in the Barkan industrial zone, where Kim Levengrond Yehezkel and Ziv Hajbi were murdered, has left us with nothing except to embrace our grief. To embrace the lost children, the broken parents, the suffering siblings. Along with

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World Mental Health Day: How to Build Meaningful and Successful Relationships

This World Mental Health Day, it’s worthwhile to emphasize positive human relationships as the overarching means for good mental health. Mental illness stems from imbalance in the mind and body, which is caused by imbalance in society, which is further

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Why do we not care about a thousand dead Indonesians?

Days after the deadly earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale struck the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia, and the huge tsunami destroyed large parts of it, the dimensions of the disaster are becoming increasingly clear. Roughly 1,300 people have

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Insights from Kabbalah In Light of Netanyahu’s UN Speech

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the UN General Assembly was impressive. The rhetorical talent, the perfect English, and the ability to communicate complex messages all stand to his favor. As much as one may criticize him, he fulfills his

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the UN

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the UN General Assembly was impressive. The rhetorical talent, the perfect English, and the ability to communicate complex messages all stand to his favor. As much as one may criticize him, he fulfills his

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The UN 73rd General Assembly, Simchat Torah and How to Repair the World

During this year’s 73rd General Assembly, each member of the UN state had an opportunity to address the international community. Coincidentally, this year, the UN gathering took place during Sukkot, and the last day will align with Simchat Torah (Rejoicing

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Sukkot: How Humanity Can Live in Harmony Under One Roof

Home is now a relative concept for masses of people across the globe. Every day, the pursuit of better opportunities and jobs prompts many to migrate to new locations. Record numbers simply have no option and are forcibly displaced as a result

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Why Is There Anti-Semitism?

Overlooking the controversy of what is anti-Jewish discourse Anti-Semitism has been at the center of a recent semantic dilemma, with opposite perspectives in Europe and the US in terms of what is considered anti-Semitic and a legitimate criticism of Israel.

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10 Years to the Financial Crisis: What Now?

A decade after the global financial crisis, new research exposes how a small elite prevented a worldwide catastrophe. But what is the cost of keeping our increasingly unbalanced, profit-driven systems in place? What are the greater balancing forces from nature

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The Meaning of Our Personal Yom Kippur and Its Connection to the World

First of all, let’s create the context. Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, does not exist. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, it’s waiting to be built inside of each of us, and only afterward can it truly be realized. Kabbalah

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‘Tikkun olam’ in the New Year 5779

According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, the “correction of the world” will only happen when we first repair the relations between people. (September 13, 2018 / JNS) “I wish all my Jewish friends in Iran and Jews worldwide a very happy new year

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