Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

A Review of Anti-Semitism in America After the Unite the Right 2 Rally

Let’s be realistic. The magnitude of racism and anti-Semitism in America cannot be measured by the low attendance at the recent Unite the Right 2rally, the one-year commemoration of the violent protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, which had resulted in death and violence.

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Global Interdependence Means No One Wins a Trade War

The storm around the rapid deterioration of Turkey’s economy sent shock waves in financial markets — globally. In light of the worsening relations between Turkey and the U.S., and as a result of President Trump’s declaration of double caps on

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Israel’s Existential Threats and the Nation-State Law

It looked like a scene playing out in Gaza, but its location was the heart of Tel Aviv: Palestinian flags hoisted at Rabin Square protesting the recently passed Nation-State law. Israel’s democracy is being abused not used. When the intrinsic

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Beyond Israel’s Nation State Law

Israel’s nation-state law has clearly managed to touch a nerve for many around the world. My article about it drew a slew of both positive and negative comments. I will refer to one which was characteristic of most comments and also raised

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Lessons from Hiroshima: From Weapons of Mass Destruction to a Weapon of Mass Connection

The 73rd anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where two nuclear weapons killed at least 129,000 people—most of them civilians, with thousands more dying years later due to indirect injuries and radioactive exposure—is a worthy time for

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Understanding China’s World Domination Complex

“Looking back, my wife saved my life,” recalls my veteran Chinese student from Beijing. “On the night of June 4, 1989, I went to sleep in the student dormitories only because my wife insisted that I won’t spend the night

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The Pursuit of Happiness and the Fading American Dream

It is embedded in the deepest layers of American society. “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,” is the founding creed from the Declaration of Independence that aims at fulfillment in life to all. In reality, however, this ideal does

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No Homework Trend

Who liked to do homework when they were little? We always hated doing homework, we complained about it, and we looked at it as hard labor. We perceived it as a burden that enslaved us to the school and to

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Smartphone Era Demands We Bridge Tech-Generation Gap

Studies conducted in different countries show dependency on smartphones is growing. France recently banned the use of smartphones in schools. The decision was made out of concern that students were becoming addicted to mobile-phone use. Will such restrictive moves solve

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Europe Migrants

An example of failing global affairs: when the new Italian government made it clear that it would not be “Europe’s refugee camp” and refused to bring in ships with immigrants, the implication was immediately evident in its neighbor, Spain, where

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World Breastfeeding Week

Breast Milk: Humanity’s Greatest Natural Asset As we head into World Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7, 2018), the US has just made breastfeeding in public legal in all 50 states. Hopefully, the new legislation will raise the importance of breastfeeding in

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“Survival of the Richest” Depends on Them Saving Us All

Have you heard about “the event”? Turns out “the event” is a codename for the systemic crisis approaching humanity in giant strides, a euphemism used by the world’s ultra-rich. Whether it will be triggered by an economic meltdown and massive

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