Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

The Future of Jobs: Working on Being Human

Sadly, 33,000 Toys ‘R’ Us employees are about to be let go. They’ll pack that family vacation picture from their office wall in a brown cardboard box, take a toy or two for keepsakes, and, begrudgingly, go home. They will

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The Passover from Materialism to Unity

Passover is an opportunity to pass over from a state of divisiveness, disregard and coldness in modern society, to one of unity, care and warmth. Although the Jewish year formally begins on Rosh Hashanah, there is a more expansive view

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Crisis Resolution

Trump works to make good on his promise to improve the position of U.S. trade in the world economy. His next target is the World Trade Organization, which hinders U.S. business, especially in Mexico and Canada. But eventually, the main

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Posted in Articles, Donald Trump, News

The Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism convened today in Jerusalem for the sixth time

First Conference, Second Conference, Third Conference … The Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism convened today in Jerusalem for the sixth time. How many more conferences, conventions, forums and meetings will we need to deal with the relentless global phenomenon of

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Antisemitism in Europe

The Scandinavian countries are on their way to becoming the first countries in Europe to ban circumcision and kosher slaughter. And you can add rejecting five Israeli choreographies from the art festival in Norway to this newsflash. Do not let

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How Real Science Died Along With Hawking

The death of world renowned astrophysicist, Stephen Hawking, can be seen as another nail in the coffin of genuine science. Hawking’s honest approach to science was exemplified by his readiness to admit his mistakes. In his 70s, he admitted that

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Hawking Was All About Benevolent, Honest Science

The death of world renowned astrophysicist, Stephen Hawking, can be seen as another nail in the coffin of genuine science. Hawking’s honest approach to science was exemplified by his readiness to admit his mistakes. In his 70s, he admitted that

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Stephen Hawking

An interviewer once asked the late astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, who died yesterday, how come he uses “God” as a metaphor although he is not religious in any way? “If you believe in science, like I do, you believe that there

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Trump’s Business Skills Could Defuse a Nuclear North Korea

As I have expressed before, Trump is not another politician who comes from the business world. Rather, he is expanding the business world to include politics. Previous U.S. presidents such as Clinton, Bush, and Obama had played with the idea

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Posted in Articles, Donald Trump, News

International Women’s Day 2018: Gender Equality from the Perspective of the Wisdom of Kabbalah

In light of International Women’s Day, I was asked to give my take on gender equality from the perspective of the wisdom of Kabbalah. To begin with, the idea of comparing men and women is just as wrong as comparing

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International Women’s Day 2018: Gender equality from the perspective of the wisdom of Kabbalah

In light of International Women’s Day, I was asked to give my take on gender equality from the perspective of the wisdom of Kabbalah. To begin with, the idea of comparing men and women is just as wrong as comparing

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What Can Israel Do About Its ‘Brain Drain’ Problem

“More than all that you guard, guard your mind, For it is the source of life.” (Proverbs 4:23) Israel isn’t losing its best and brightest because of greener pastures or higher standards of living abroad. It is losing because it is

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