Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

The Purim Story Actually Explains the Solution for Social Division and Anti-Semitism

“The city of Shushan was perplexed.” (Esther 3:15) The well-known verse from the Book of Esther in the Purim story couldn’t be more appropriate to describe today’s atmosphere of intensifying social division and polarization. Reaching solutions and finding harmony in

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How the Purim Story Is Happening Right Now

Purim has one of the most suspenseful stories ever written. Purim has one of the most suspenseful stories ever written. From the panic, doubt and fear in the face of utter destruction to the elation, euphoria and high spirits after

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9 Facts about Purim That Will Let You Tackle the Holiday’s Core Message

The Meaning of Purim Purim is known as an exhilarating and joyous celebration that erupts in festivities after the salvation of the Jewish people from their near demise. But what is the main message and meaning of Purim? It is that

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Laws Won’t Cure Social Epidemic of Gun Violence

Gun Laws Won’t Solve This Social Epidemic, Social Reform Will School shootings in America are nothing less than a social epidemic. The Parlkand, Florida school massacre was only the latest of 18 events in which a gun was drawn on

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Treating America’s School Shootings Epidemic

Gun laws won’t solve this social epidemic, social reform will School shootings in America are nothing less than a social epidemic. The Florida school shooting was only the latest of 18 events where a gun was drawn on school campus

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Regulation Won’t Solve the Internet Privacy Issue — Here’s What Can

This year, Facebook celebrates its 14th birthday. The world’s most popular social network, which has connected billions of people to reveal every bit of information about themselves at any given moment, is now celebrating its mid-teens. We, on the other

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Israel’s Hubris Comes With a Price

“’I have seen these people,’ the Lord said to Moses, ‘and they are a stiff-necked people. Now leave me alone so that my anger may burn against them and that I may destroy them. Then I will make you into

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Florida Shooting

Yesterday’s Florida shooting is only the latest of 18 school shootings since the beginning of 2018, which means that now there’s a school shooting in America every 60 hours. When former New York police chief says, “this reality is the

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What Do We Love?

What do we love? We love what we enjoy. In our world, we define love as a source of pleasure. We enjoy something, and love that same something that makes us feel good. Therefore, we love a juicy steak, a

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Suicide Rise After Robin Williams Signals Need for Media Revolution

New research found that in the five months after comedian Robin Williams had committed suicide, there was a dramatic increase of almost 10 percent in suicide rates across the U.S., and it had a lot to do with how the media communicated

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Suicide Rise After Robin Williams Signals Need for Media Revolution

New research found that in the five months after comedian Robin Williams had committed suicide, there was a dramatic increase of almost 10 percent in suicide rates across the U.S., and it had a lot to do with how the media communicated

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What Causes Depression? The Global Depression Epidemic Explained Like Never Before

Entire countries are now looking for solutions, but they fail to recognize the underlying mechanism. A “depression” needs to be fulfilled – not muted. What Causes Depression? When UK Prime Minister, Theresa May, learned that 10% of her citizens are

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