Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Autonomous Cars

Picture the following scenario: you’re driving an autonomous car. It decides where to turn, how fast to go, when to turn on the lights. In short, you can sip your coffee and text your friends while the car is driving

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What the Book of Zohar Says About the Polish Holocaust Law

“Israel is the heart of the whole world, just as the organs of the body could not exist in the world even for a moment without the heart, so all the nations cannot exist in the world without Israel.” The

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5 Tips for Reading the Book of Zohar

The Book of Zohar is a gateway to the causal level of reality, which is initially hidden from our perception. However, we need the right preparation in order to read The Zohar correctly. So here are five rules to help

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Kabbalist: I’m Bringing the Biggest Gift Ever to the Israel 70-Year Anniversary Party

“For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. Out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, the Lord has chosen you to be his treasured possession.” – Deuteronomy 14:2 As Israel gears up for

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World Economic Forum – Davos 2018

While most the world is going bankrupt, the rich and powerful convene in the picturesque city of Davos to discuss their ongoing success in exploiting the rest of society, as if there is nothing wrong with the 1% getting 82%

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Kabbalist Says Be Optimistic About AI-Powered Weapons Destroying Everything

“And it shall be at the end of the days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be firmly established at the top of the mountains, and it shall be raised above the hills, and all the nations shall

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Trump Aligned With Electorate, Not Politics As Usual

Why Trump is the Forerunner for a New Era in Governance Racist, misogynist, and anti-Semite, are only some of the terms that have been thrown at President Trump over the last year. And while many are doing their utmost to

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21st Century Parents, Logan Paul Gave Us a Reason to Have a Talk

Parents of the 21st century, the Logan Paul controversy must become your wake-up call. How on earth did he get the idea that filming a dead body is appropriate? If our kids can swipe their finger to watch a prankster

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Why a Death Penalty for Terrorists Won’t Solve Terrorism… and What Will

The death penalty for terrorists law being promoted in Israel by Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman once again highlights an issue at the center of a tug-of-war, showing the inability of the Israeli people to unify on a specific stance. Arguments

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Parents Must Teach Kids Redeeming Social Media Values

Parents of the 21st century, the Logan Paul controversy must become your wake-up call. If our kids can swipe their finger to watch a prankster filming the body of someone who committed suicide and then joking about it, then we

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Why Calling Lorde a ‘Bigot’ Won’t Earn Israel Any PR Points… and What Will

The full-page Washington Post ad firing back at Lorde for deciding to cancel her Israel concert due to BDS pressure by calling her a “bigot,” and blasting New Zealand at the same time, is not the kind of response that will earn

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Why NET Neutrality Was Never Neutral in the First Place

WHY NET NEUTRALITY WAS NEVER NEUTRAL IN THE FIRST PLACE The moment money became a factor in the Internet’s playing field, it completely lost its neutrality. The behavior of paying various net influencers to advertise whatever advertisers want cancels the

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