Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Rift Between Israel and US Jews

Israel has a resource that will soon be in great demand – a connection method that is the key to human sustainability. From Nature’s perspective, meaning the inner forces that operate our world, this is what we are destined to

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A Toolbox for Millennials Exploring Socialism

I know socialism firsthand. Here’s a lesson on human nature and our desire for a better society. “44% of U.S. Millennials prefer socialism over capitalism.” More millennial Americans are fed up with capitalism, and would prefer to live in a

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Millennials Know Not the Socialism They Ask For

There’s an important reason why socialism failed horribly in the past, and today’s young minds must take that into account. More millennial Americans are fed up with capitalism, and would prefer to live in a socialist country. That’s the tendency

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What Millennials Must Know About Socialism

I know socialism firsthand. Here’s a lesson on human nature and our desire for a better society. More millennial Americans are fed up with capitalism, and would prefer to live in a socialist country. That’s the tendency a survey last month conducted

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New York Attack

Shivers once again ripple throughout the world as New York City gets hit with its worst terror attack since 9/11. Beyond the immediate finger pointing at ISIS and lottery-based immigration programs, I will not be surprised if the blame gradually

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What’s Next When US Is Divided Like Vietnam War Days?

It comes as no surprise to me that a majority of Americans said in a recent Washington Post poll that divisions in the U.S. are at least as big as they were during the Vietnam War, and that American politics have reached

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Posted in Articles, Donald Trump, News

Trump Can Awaken Nation by Declaring Opioids Emergency

When President Donald J. Trump declares the opioid crisis a national emergency, it should give his administration the power to divert more funds, assign more manpower, and cut some red tape. Declaring national emergency to address an addiction epidemic is

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Who Else Wants a New Reason to Celebrate Simchat Torah?

Simchat Torah marks the conclusion of the Tishrei holiday cycle with a celebration of joy in the Torah. What is the deeper meaning behind this celebration and joy that this holiday signifies? Why is there such an atmosphere of happiness? Where

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Paddock’s Motive Unknown But Motive for Violence Is Everywhere

As expected, the Las Vegas massacre has refueled the gun control debate in America. But no one seems to consider a much wider debate to be had on the ongoing breeding of violence in the U.S. “We still don’t have

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Catalonia Referendum: Are Independence and Unity Mutually Compatible?

At present, the desire for independence is developing alongside our increasing egoism. That is why we are witnessing similar phenomena in other areas of life, such as couples that get married yet live separately because they want to “maintain their

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GOP and Dems Can Share a Tent Without Calling Police

Setting up an Empathy Tent amidst the chaos that took place between political protesters in the University of California at Berkeley last weekseemed like a thoughtful idea — a calm area where protesters from both sides could have a peaceful discussion, free

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Shooting in Las Vegas

I extend my deepest condolences to the families of the 50 people who were killed in last night’s shooting in Las Vegas.  Unfortunately, I don’t think such horrible events will vanish from the horizon anytime soon. We have to see

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