Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

How does one become wholly Jewish?

Anyone can become a Jew, no matter whether one is French, Italian or any other nationality, because Jewishness is not via lineage. To become a Jew means to adopt a certain way of thinking, an attitude toward life and its

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Why does it seem like everyone in the world is protesting right now? Hong Kong, Lebanon, Chile, and many others are all in the news for serious, widespread, and often violent protests. Why now?

To start with, most of the world is heading into winter now, and there is always more illness, depression, and problems with living conditions and supplies in winter than in summer. It’s felt in every family and small business. Other

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Do you follow the Feast of Tabernacles?

What does it mean to follow the Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot? It means agreeing to erect a Schach, a thatched roof made out of plant scraps, which connects us under a single idea of unity, “as one man with one

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How Balanced Relations between Genders Solves Depression: Women’s Depression and the Meaning of Life

Depression is a global epidemic. Currently, over 300 million people around the world suffer from depression, and women are diagnosed nearly twice as much as men. Why is there such a striking gender gap in the numbers of depressed people in the

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What’s the best schach?

The best Schach is the inner Schach that we build out of “waste of barn and winery,” i.e. what our ego considers wasteful, ideas of love, unity, brotherhood and concern for others. We raise this Schach above our heads, making it the roof of our temporary

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What would it take for Israel to get involved in Syria?

Israel should not get involved in Syria. It makes no sense for Israel to get involved in such conflict zones. Israel is not a superpower. It’s a small nation, and it’s finding it hard enough to survive as it is.

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Why should we not use plastic?

This evening, I was approached by a newer student who stated that perhaps we would be a better example of a positive force in society if we wouldn’t use plastic, since plastic is considered as bad for the environment. I

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Sukkot 2019: How to Reconstruct Our Jewish Home

Synagogues across the globe are shutting down their doors for good. Demographic changes, financial problems, assimilation, and lack of interest in Jewish life among younger people, as well as the feeling of insecurity due to anti-Semitic attacks, are among the major factors that contribute to

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What We Can Learn from the Deadly Attack Outside the Halle Synagogue

The shooting attack near a synagogue in Halle, Germany was yet another dreadful act of anti-Semitism on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar. However, it could have been much worse if the 27-year-old attacker, who identified with the far-right,

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Jewish Post-Trauma: The Cause, Diagnosis and Cure

Post-trauma from recurring anti-Semitic incidents, the Holocaust and the pogroms has permeated entire generations of Jews. In Israel, anxiety and traumatic events are part of the daily reality affecting children, adolescents and the population in general. The average Israeli has experienced

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Anti-Semitism in Australia: The Deeper Cause and Solution

Two anti-Semitic events involving children that hit Australia in the past week are just the tip of the iceberg showing a worldwide boost in anti-Semitic sentiment, crimes and threats. The first was a 5-year-old who was revealed to be subject to anti-Semitic

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What Forgiveness Should We Ask for on Yom Kippur?

We Jews anger the Creator constantly, endlessly, and in every situation, when we agree to division and hatred among each other, and do not want to connect. The Creator strongly desires for us to be united because from that force

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