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125 after the First Zionist Congress – Zionism Still Baffles

This August, the World Zionist Organization – ההסתדרות הציונית העולמית will celebrate its 125th anniversary. It was founded as the Zionist Organization at the initiative of Theodor Herzl at the First Zionist Congress, which took place in August 1897 in Basel, Switzerland.

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Posted in Articles, Israel, Jewish, News

What was the relationship between ancient Israel and ancient Rome?

According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, Rome and Israel, and their confrontations most notably in ancient times, are viewed from a spiritual perspective, i.e. they represent two clashing philosophies of life. At the root of the matter, there is a

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education, Israel, Jewish

What are some solutions for technological unemployment?

The solution to mass unemployment is to setup a system where people’s basic needs are met while they engage in connection-enriching education. When we start learning, listening to and discussing on a mass scale what our nature is, what nature

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Posted in Articles, Global Economy, Money

How to Really Prepare Children for Life

A new educational program in Israel proposes to prepare 12th graders for life. They will attend it during the final six months of their K12 years, and will teach them how to manage their finances and how to conduct themselves

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Posted in Articles, Family, Health, News

Why do large sectors of humanity sometimes get hit by major blows of suffering, like natural disasters and wars?

The more humanity evolves, the closer it comes to discovering nature’s interconnectedness and interdependence on a global scale. At a certain point in our development, we receive an invitation to rise to a whole new level of existence, where through

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education, Nature

The Challenge of Immigrating, the Challenge of Immigration

Tens of thousands of Ukrainian immigrants are coming these days to Israel, posing a serious challenge to the country. On the one hand, they are refugees seeking asylum from a brutal war. On the other hand, Israel is not like

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Posted in Articles, Israel, News, Ukraine

Nature Has a Lot of Love, but No Altruism

Researchers in Australia, who intended to conduct a study on Australian Magpies, attached tiny trackers, weighing only 2.7g, to five birds in a flock of magpies in order to track their movements and habits. Surprisingly, within hours, the trackers were

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Posted in Articles, Nature, News, Science

What are some life lessons learnt from the Harry Potter series?

I watched about half of the Harry Potter movie, and the main takeaway I got is that it shows how we have a desire to escape from our reality, or at least to broaden its boundaries. And we can. However,

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Posted in Articles, Science

Times That Call for a Tough Hand

There is a tense atmosphere in Israel these days. Within a week, a total of 11 people have been killed in terrorist attacks perpetrated either by Israeli Arabs or by Palestinians who entered Israel illegally. There is no question that

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Posted in Articles, Israel, News

Taking the Fear Where It Should Go

At such times, when people are afraid to walk out of the house, to go to work, or to take the kids to school, we should remember that there is a purpose for the fear: to bind us all together.

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Posted in Articles, Israel, Jewish, News

Why are great artists usually terrible people?

Recently, a renowned writer was found to have hurt several women, some of whom say that we now need to get rid of his books. Indeed, there have been acclaimed artists throughout history who have created masterpieces while exhibiting terrible

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Posted in Articles, Media, Nature

What is your ideal boss or leader?

An ideal leader should be sensitive toward others. There are, however, no examples of ideal leaders, and if we would find such an example, we would later discover that it is a lie. In order to merit a leader who

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education