Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

A War Without, and a War Within

Shortly after World War II ended with tragic explosions of nuclear bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, my teacher’s father, the great thinker and foremost kabbalist of the 20th century, Baal HaSulam, wrote what later became known as “The Writings of

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Posted in Articles, Jewish, News, Ukraine, War

What is the spiritual root of circumcision?

The spiritual root of circumcision is the desire to cut ties with our egoism. Egoism is the desire to enjoy at the expense of others and nature, and those who wish to detach from it do so in order to

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Posted in Articles, Health, Jewish

The War – the Spiritual War

To the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, wars “are the necessary grounds of all coming to be,” writes Abraham Schoener of the University of Toronto. “War is not only a principle in the world of mortal affairs; it governs all things, both

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Posted in Articles, News, Peace, War

Between Despair and Hope

Tens of thousands of civilians cross Ukraine’s borders every hour, a mass of people laden with bags on their backs and children on their shoulders, with suitcases and memories dragging behind them. I have many students and friends in cities

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Posted in Articles, Israel, News, Russia, Ukraine

Will the United States ever go to war with China?

While the media reports on the Asia-Pacific region as turning into a powder keg, we should remember that the media is primarily interested in its ratings, and neither America nor China are interested in serious warfare with each other. There

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Posted in America, Articles, Politics

Why the Great Resignation

In the 2nd half of 2021 alone, more than 25 million Americans had quit their jobs. This wave, dubbed “The Great Resignation” or “The Big Quit,” is the largest wave of resignations since recording of data began at the turn

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Posted in America, Articles, Money, News

Too Close for Comfort to WWIII

The war in Ukraine is no longer a local conflict. Chechnya has joined Russia, and Belarus is supporting it. Opposite them stands Ukraine, with the US, NATO, and many other countries supporting it with logistics and weapons. But while the

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Posted in Articles, News, Ukraine, War

Heal the Wounds

An old wound between the Russians and Ukrainians is being aggravated. It is sore and bleeding but not fully reopened. Just as Eastern European countries are now experiencing conflict, this will be felt throughout the world, in all of humanity.

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Posted in Articles, News, Russia, Ukraine, War

Why do people stop believing in love?

Many people stop believing in love because we live in a world built on the growing human ego, which wishes to enjoy at the expense of other people and nature. In such a world, hatred and desires to overpower others

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Posted in Articles, Interpersonal Relationships, Jewish, Nature

Losing Trust in Scientists

According to a recent survey by the Pew Research Center, trust in scientists and medical scientists has dropped. The survey found that only 29% of U.S. adults have a great deal of confidence in both scientists and medical scientists to act

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Posted in Articles, Health, News, Science

Why are some people so quick to blame Jewish people for everything? Were does this mindset come from?

Indeed, Jews have received the blame for a lot of phenomena throughout history, from poisoning wells to creating viruses, and from drinking children’s blood to running the world. Often the blame is completely illogical, yet it becomes accepted by masses

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Posted in antisemitism, Articles, Jewish

In the End, There Is Only One

In times like these, we can really feel what a revolutionary Abraham was. Nearly 4,000 years ago, he discovered that in the end, there is only one force that created and governs all of reality. At a time when his

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Posted in Articles, Jewish, News, Ukraine, War