Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Women praying for world peace

Over a thousand women from my students around the world gathered for a Zoom conference to raise a common prayer for world peace. Women are naturally closer to the Upper Force. They are sensitive and feel the suffering of the

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Posted in Articles, Jewish, News

What instigates hatred among humans?

It is written, “the inclination of man’s heart is evil from his youth” (Genesis 8:21). Envy, lust, honor and hatred are egoistic emotions unique to humans. Moreover, human egoism constantly grows, and due to its constant growth, our egos are

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education, Nature

How do you explain emptiness?

Emptiness is a unique category of desires that are unable to be fulfilled. They thus feel empty of the content that they would like to have. People who delve into questioning the emptiness that they feel are those who begin

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Posted in Articles, Health, Integral Education

We Are Free – Free to Pray

Even in the worst of times and under the most extreme situations, our hearts are always free. Whatever we face, we can choose how to relate to it. Now that there is once again a war in Europe, we can

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Posted in Articles, News, Russia, Ukraine

What is your opinion on the Russian war with Ukraine?

The current Russo-Ukrainian war awakens the awareness that as human beings, we desperately lack correction and positive connection. It shows how hatred can brew between two nations that have lived side-by-side for a long time, which share similarities in religion,

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Posted in Articles, Russia, Ukraine, War

How do you deal with negativity coming your way and your own feelings of negativity?

Every one of our negative feelings is the outcome of torn positive connections that we once had. That is why we can fix anything negative in our life by correcting our connections to each other. If we take steps toward

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education, Nature

Between War and Peace

The war between Russia and Ukraine leaves me bewildered, uneasy, and mainly worried, very worried. I have many students in both countries, and I care deeply for all of them. These two nations that have lived side by side for

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Posted in Articles, Jewish, News, Ukraine, War

Truth Social – A Much Needed Move that Will Not Work

After being banned along with many of his supporters from liberal social media giants, former president of the United States Donald Trump launched this week his own social platform, Truth Social. The platform focuses on diversity. The first paragraph in

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Posted in America, Articles, Donald Trump, News, Social Mutual Responsibility

Russia-Ukraine War: The Pandora Box is Open

The ramifications of this war run much deeper than the impact it will cause to those directly involved in the conflict. It will reshape the world, as it is likely that other latent frictions between countries and territories will be

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Posted in Articles, News, Russia, Ukraine, War

What are the lessons learned from Squid Game?

The screenwriter and director of Squid Game have been noted as saying that “such is our world” in relation to the setup where people become willing to kill other people if placed under conditions where it is either their life or another’s

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education, Nature

Play Your Way Ahead

Why do little children play even when they are sick? How come grownups hardly ever play? Playing is no laughing matter; it is the single most important tool in our development and growth. Lion cubs play hunting games. Fawns hop,

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Posted in Articles, Family, Integral Education, News

Highlights from a Meeting with David Rosenthal

David Rosenthal is a respected political analyst, journalist, and columnist in various Israeli and international media outlets. Every so often, he interviews Dr. Michael Laitman on various topics. Below are some of the key points from their latest talk, which

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