Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

30 Years Later: Reflecting on the Impact of “Attaining the Worlds Beyond”

To this day, I continue receiving favorable comments about my book, Attaining the Worlds Beyond, which I wrote around 30 years ago. I am happy to know that, thanks to this work, many people have come to the study of Kabbalah and thought

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How Do You Become a Light to This Dark Time We Are Living In?

Light and Darkness met. “What do people find in you?”—exclaimed Darkness in surprise. “Neither beauty nor mystery—you just hurt one’s eyes!” Light did not answer. It just politely stepped aside and silently illuminated the road because Darkness was heading toward

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How Do You Think Stories Should be Told to Young Children, and Why?

Young children, at around an elementary school level, should be told stories of complete kindness. Afterward, more naturally, they should be given stories where evil is present on par with good, i.e., stories where good wins and evil retreats. When

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Why is the Divorce Rate So High Now?

Divorces are at an all-time high due to human egoism, our natural desire to enjoy at the expense of others, which has reached overblown proportions in our times. It increasingly makes us intolerable of one another. Many couples get married

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What Is the Meaning of Eating Matzah During Passover?

Matzah is unleavened bread that is made in a special way, with minimal water needed to make leaven. It is baked and eaten in remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt and symbolizes our swift inner transition in our attitude to each

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Why Does Passover Last Seven Days?

On the first day of Passover, we exit our egoistic intention for self-benefit alone, which Egypt represents, and we continue exiting this self-serving intention on each successive day until we reach a complete detachment from the control of egoism. We

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If God Really Loves Us, Why Does He Let People Suffer, Especially Innocent People?

I received a question from a lady, Olga, on my Facebook page, where she wrote the following: “Dear Dr. Laitman, I’ve been listening to you for a long time and I usually agree with you, but there’s one thing I

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The Dichotomy of Self: Understanding Our Egoistic Nature and Spiritual Potential

We are the source of joy and sorrow mine. We are a repository of filth, and pure spring. People, as in a mirror, the world is multifaceted. He is insignificant and he is infinitely great! – Omar Khayyam Indeed, we

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The Allegory of the Eagle That Grew Up Among Chickens

A man once found an eagle’s egg and placed it among chickens. The eaglet grew up together with the chicks. Like them, it clucked and scratched the ground, searched for worms, flapped its wings, and tried to fly. One day,

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AI Is Predicting People’s Deaths. Is This Something We Want?

Indeed, an AI-based program has been launched in Denmark that various scientists currently claim predicts life expectancy with 78 percent accuracy. The question is whether we need such mechanisms, i.e., does it help us in any way to know the date of

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What Does it Mean That God Separated the Light from the Darkness?

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And God divided between the light and the darkness.” This means that when the light appeared in our world, it became clear that the entire universe consists of two opposite

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What Does it Mean to Live in the Moment?

One of my students recently asked me about what it means to live in the moment based on an allegory of a dialog between a butterfly and a perennial plant. A one-day old butterfly landed on a perennial plant, and

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