Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Why Is Nature So Beautiful and People Are the Opposite?

A recent study published in the journal, Science Advances, discussed findings that living near plants for long enough can extend people’s life spans by 2.5 years. Indeed, we are parts of nature that consist of the still, vegetative, animate and human levels, and

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In one sentence, what is the essence of the method of Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam)?

Through the love of others, to come closer to the system in which the Creator can become revealed and enjoy from His created beings. Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on September 20, 2023, “The

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Can You Love an Evil Person?

Yes, you can love people who perform even the most despicable of acts because within them is a point of a soul. We have to understand that there is a difference between bodies and souls. People who do good or

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How do you think life on Earth would be different in the next 500 million years?

In 500 million years, there will be nothing on Earth because our planet and our universe will be nonexistent. This is because we perceive the world through uncorrected senses, i.e., through senses that perceive in a manner of wanting solely

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Is Life a Test?

It is written in the Torah that we each go through tests in our lives through which the upper providene examines us. Indeed, our lives are a test. It is most obvious in the story about the exodus from Egypt.

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What is a Shana Tova?

A good year (Shana Tova) comes about first from understanding the previous year’s shortcomings. We then go through a time of introspection. In general, human society is starting to realize that a good life is further and further out of

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What Holidays Are Celebrated During the Month of Tishrei?

Before overviewing the holiday cycle during the month of Tishrei, it is important to understand that the Jewish holidays are not a celebration of specific historic events that an isolated group of people experienced, which is irrelevant to humanity and

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Why Is Rosh Hashanah Important?

Before discussing the importance of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, it is important to understand that the Jewish holidays are not the tradition of one particular nation or people. They are rather symbols of unique spiritual states where we attain

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What Does the Resurrection of the Dead Mean?

According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, the resurrection of the dead refers to our inner qualities, not dead people. A body is a desire, and a dead body refers to a desire that wishes to do nothing in a spiritual direction

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Why Is There So Much Confusion in the World?

A new desire is emerging in humanity today. It is appearing in more and more people, but only as a seed of a desire, not a fully clarified one. What is this desire for? It is a tiny spark of

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Why Is the Path to Truth Difficult? Is It Necessary to Seek the Truth? Why?

Finally in this dull, secluded village to find him gone. In the ramshackle hut by the fire sat true. He had never seen a more old and ugly women. – You – Really? Old, wrinkled hag nodded solemnly. – Tell

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Does Everyone Have Bad Thoughts?

Everything that awakens within us stems from the upper force of bestowal and love in nature that creates and sustains reality, which in Kabbalah is called “the Creator.” However, we receive awakenings in our egos and they thus becomes revealed

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